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How Colleges Teach Students to See Bias Where It Doesn’t Exist

IrishGirl · 1277

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Here is the Link:

“You have blood on your hands. You’re a murderer,” shouted one of the protesters at Judge Brett Kavanaugh during the Senate hearings of his nomination to the Supreme Court. This apocalyptic rhetoric had been espoused before — at none other than the Yale Law School, immediately after President Donald Trump announced the school’s graduate as his chosen replacement for Justice Anthony Kennedy. There, a group of alumni and professors circulated an open letter declaring that selecting Kavanaugh “presents an emergency — for democratic life, for our safety and freedom, for the future of our country.” People “will die” if Kavanaugh is confirmed, the letter announced. By the time of the hearings, Kavanaugh had gone from being a future murderer to an actual one.

These protests, intended to shut down the proceedings — and the fantastical social-media charge that one of Kavanaugh’s former clerks displayed a white-power sign during those hearings — showed how academic identity politics is transforming the non-academic world. To be sure, there were differences: the Capitol police actually intervened to restore order and the Judiciary Committee is ideologically balanced. But the long-term prognosis for reason and civility is not good.

The key feature of academic diversity ideology is the assertion that to be a member of an ever-growing number of favored victim groups at a college today is to be the target of pervasive bigotry on campus — despite, well, being favored. Taught by a metastasizing campus-diversity bureaucracy to believe that they are subject to an existential threat from circumambient bias, students equate nonconforming ideas with “hate speech,” and “hate speech” with conduct that should be punished, censored and repelled with force if necessary. This victimology fuels the efforts to shut down speech that challenges campus orthodoxies. Dozens of times in the past several years alone, classrooms have been invaded; professors, accosted and even assaulted; and outside speakers, silenced.

While these tactics have famously been directed at conservatives, that is not exclusively the case, as senior fellow at the Public Policy Center Stanley Kurtz has documented for National Review Online. It has happened year after year, recently.

In October 2017, protesters at Columbia University temporarily occupied a class and accused a professor who is an LGBTQ rights advocate and one of the school’s premier proponents of the idea that campuses are pervaded by rape culture of creating a “dangerous environment for students, including queer students.”

That same month, shouting activists prevented University of Oregon President Michael Schill from delivering his State of the University Speech. Schill’s merely pro forma support for free speech was enabling “fascism and white supremacy,” according to the student protesters.

In November 2016, Kimberly Peirce, director of the groundbreaking 1999 film on transgenderism, Boys Don’t Cry, was shouted down at Reed College with slogans like “f-ck your respectability politics.”

Dozens of Yale students mobbed sociologist Nicholas Christakis for three hours in October 2015 because his psychologist and faculty member wife had circulated an email suggesting that students could select their own Halloween costumes without oversight from Yale’s diversity bureaucrats. “Be quiet!” shrieked a girl at Christakis, who was frozen in his place. “You should not sleep at night! You are disgusting!” Another mobster complained that Christakis’s invocation of free speech creates “a space to allow for violence to happen on this campus.” When he meekly disagreed, the protester shouted back: “It doesn’t matter whether you agree or not … It’s not a debate.”

The list goes on — from Rutgers in New Jersey and American University in Washington, D.C., to U.C. Berkeley in California and Evergreen State College in Washington and beyond. In none of these instances were the silencers disciplined. In several of them, the college presidents thanked the anti-speech advocates for their courageous stands. Yale conferred its prize for “provid[ing] exemplary leadership in race and/or ethnic relations” on two of Christakis’s scourges, including the student who shouted, “It’s not a debate.”

The belief that college campuses today pose an existential threat to females and students of color is just as lunatic as the belief that Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a murderer or that an Establishment lawyer was signaling her white supremacy affiliation on live TV. American universities are among the most tolerant environments in history towards humanity’s traditionally oppressed groups. Far from discriminating against what admissions officers call “underrepresented minorities,” or “URMs,” every selective college today employs large racial admissions preferences to engineer what they call a “diverse” student body — and they twist themselves into knots to hire qualified minority staff members who haven’t already been snapped up by better-endowed schools. Professors want all their students to succeed, particularly females and “underrepresented minorities.”

But the resulting campus culture often coaches students to see bias where none exists. That delusion continues once they leave school. The result is a growing society-wide intolerance for speakers and ideas that fail to conform to an increasingly exacting code of political correctness, on the ground that such non-conforming speech harms favored victim groups.

The right has its shrill manias— whether the unseemly obsession with Hillary Clinton and her emails, the corrosive Trump-fueled calumny that federal law enforcement agencies have been corrupted by political bias, and the dangerous Trump-induced crusade to turn those agencies into instruments of political revenge. But until now, the notion that silencing non-conforming speech is a legitimate response to disagreement has come overwhelmingly from campuses and other progressive institutions — from Google to the New Yorker. Were Trump to seize the same weapons, arrogating to himself the power to define and punish “hate speech,” the danger of such precedents might become clearer to all.

The new censorship is an outgrowth of the twin ideas that race and gender are the most important features of a human being, and that American society is one long assault on various identity groups defined by race and gender. Until these key tenets of academic identity politics are rebutted, we can expect to see more of the hysteria that characterized the Kavanaugh hearings — and less ability to talk across ideological divides.

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Reply #1 on: September 18, 2018, 10:37:48 PM
You're a college student, lecturing on Bias, that doesn't exist.

Where did you learn that?  Think, before you post.  Seriously, you.

Are pointing out.

Bias.  Here.  That's what you're doing.  That's what this whole essay is doing.  Pointing out a perceived bias, and blaming Colleges for teaching it, to the Other students.

Bias is Natural.  You have to go to school, study Logic, Scientific Method, Legal Ethics, and so forth to leanr how to overcome your natural, emotional, human bias.

If you're actually capable of it.

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #2 on: September 19, 2018, 12:43:34 AM

You're a college student, lecturing on Bias, that doesn't exist.

Where did you learn that?  Think, before you post.  Seriously, you.

Are pointing out.

Bias.  Here.  That's what you're doing.  That's what this whole essay is doing.  Pointing out a perceived bias, and blaming Colleges for teaching it, to the Other students.

Bias is Natural.  You have to go to school, study Logic, Scientific Method, Legal Ethics, and so forth to leanr how to overcome your natural, emotional, human bias.

If you're actually capable of it.

On the one hand, this crap has been going on for decades. Though the number of specific interests keep multiplying and proliferating, this is somewhat old news.

On the other hand -- and, again, speaking as someone who's been on and around college campuses for the past 20 years -- it's not as overwhelming as this article, and the thousands of other articles on this topic, make it seem to be.

College students are blinkered idiots. And, it seems, the smartest college students are even greater blinkered idiots. And this, too, is nothing new. But PSI's main point is correct: College isn't teaching students to "see bias where it doesn't exist," college students are doing it all by themselves.

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Reply #3 on: September 19, 2018, 12:51:27 AM
PSI's main point is correct: College isn't teaching students to "see bias where it doesn't exist," college students are doing it all by themselves.

Well, let me clarify slightly:  Colleges are supposed to teach many things, depending on the major.  If it's Applied Sciences, and certain other fields, one of these things is to remove bias from your experimental protocol, so that the testing produces unbiased results.

If it's Sociology, or similar social sciences, (Including History, Law, Political Science...) then they need to try to teach students how to Recognize Bias.  Such as Privilege, which is a kind of bias.  (Broadly, Economic, and Power Bias.)

If it's liberal arts, then bias isn't really an issue that affects the curriculum, however nobody has to teach bias.  Learning Bias in college is like taking Digestion 101.  You don't have to learn to Eat, and Shit, either.  Biases are our natural inclination, not Fairness.  Equality, or Empirical measurement of the world around them.

For that, you have to learn how to eliminate as much bias as possible.  If you can't, you can Not Learn any of these things, regardless of the schools, or their curriculum.

That was my point.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 12:59:58 AM by psiberzerker »

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Reply #4 on: September 19, 2018, 02:00:07 AM

I see so many of these types of articles lamenting the supposed overwhelming influence of radical liberals in academia and in entertainment media. Yet I never see any articles lamenting the overwhelming presence of conservatives in law enforcement and military.

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Reply #5 on: September 19, 2018, 04:20:43 AM
Try being a Vietnam veteran on a college campus during the Vietnam War and all the bias that was manifested not only from your fellow students but also the faculty. Today's biases or perceived biases on campuses cannot compare.

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Reply #6 on: September 19, 2018, 04:47:25 AM

You're a college student, lecturing on Bias, that doesn't exist.

Where did you learn that?  Think, before you post.  Seriously, you.

Are pointing out.

Bias.  Here.  That's what you're doing.  That's what this whole essay is doing.  Pointing out a perceived bias, and blaming Colleges for teaching it, to the Other students.

Bias is Natural.  You have to go to school, study Logic, Scientific Method, Legal Ethics, and so forth to leanr how to overcome your natural, emotional, human bias.

If you're actually capable of it.

On the one hand, this crap has been going on for decades. Though the number of specific interests keep multiplying and proliferating, this is somewhat old news.

On the other hand -- and, again, speaking as someone who's been on and around college campuses for the past 20 years -- it's not as overwhelming as this article, and the thousands of other articles on this topic, make it seem to be.

College students are blinkered idiots. And, it seems, the smartest college students are even greater blinkered idiots. And this, too, is nothing new. But PSI's main point is correct: College isn't teaching students to "see bias where it doesn't exist," college students are doing it all by themselves.

It all depends on where you are.

Evergreen College and Missouri State University are extreme examples of one side.

While University of Chicago is making a promise NOT to be like some of the other schools.

It really all depends on where you are.  Berkley has the bike lock basher hitting people for not agreeing with him.

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Reply #7 on: September 19, 2018, 05:55:55 AM
It all depends on where you are.

extreme examples of one side.

NOT to be like some of the other schools.

It really all depends on where you are.
Bookended by repeating the same fucking Bias you began with.

So, do you just not see your own bias, or did you have to go to school to learn that?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 05:57:39 AM by psiberzerker »

Offline MissBarbara

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Reply #8 on: September 19, 2018, 03:20:19 PM


I see so many of these types of articles lamenting the supposed overwhelming influence of radical liberals in academia and in entertainment media. Yet I never see any articles lamenting the overwhelming presence of conservatives in law enforcement and military.

Don't believe everything you read.

It's undeniable that there is a leftward bias on many college campuses today (and it's also undeniable that there's an anti-conservative bias on most college campuses today). But without parsing definitions of the term "radical liberals," it's more of what I call "whiny liberalism" than what's commonly understood as "radical liberalism."

On top of that, it's mostly talk. And talk, and talk, and talk. And, in the big picture, it doesn't really mean all that much. College professors and college students aren't passing legislation.

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Reply #9 on: September 19, 2018, 04:34:48 PM
Missouri State University

You're claiming a state school is violating the First Amendment.


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Reply #10 on: September 19, 2018, 07:53:10 PM


I see so many of these types of articles lamenting the supposed overwhelming influence of radical liberals in academia and in entertainment media. Yet I never see any articles lamenting the overwhelming presence of conservatives in law enforcement and military.

Don't believe everything you read.

It's undeniable that there is a leftward bias on many college campuses today (and it's also undeniable that there's an anti-conservative bias on most college campuses today). But without parsing definitions of the term "radical liberals," it's more of what I call "whiny liberalism" than what's commonly understood as "radical liberalism."

On top of that, it's mostly talk. And talk, and talk, and talk. And, in the big picture, it doesn't really mean all that much. College professors and college students aren't passing legislation.

MissB -  Aren't state funded universities by their nature liberal?  They take incoming freshmen and try to to expand their awareness of the world from the isolated world they lived in during high school. In essence,  open their eyes to the broader world through courses and clubs, etc.

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Reply #11 on: September 19, 2018, 08:22:27 PM
MissB -  Aren't state funded universities by their nature liberal?

Depends on the school.  Baylor?  NCSU?  No.  UT, or Berkely?  Yes.  So, since they can go either way, I'm going to have to say that it's not intrinsic to their nature.

However, in Theory they should probably teach the next generation to make their world better, instead of fighting to keep it the backwards shithole it is now.  

So, Progressive, not "Liberal."  The progressive dream is our children having it better than we did.  The Conservative one is "Global Warming?  Well, I heard that was a hoax."

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Reply #12 on: September 19, 2018, 10:26:04 PM

MissB -  Aren't state funded universities by their nature liberal?  They take incoming freshmen and try to to expand their awareness of the world from the isolated world they lived in during high school. In essence,  open their eyes to the broader world through courses and clubs, etc.

If I may, state funded universities, any institute of higher learning are by nature intended to be bastions of free speech...which tends to be liberal due to the fact that, until recently, it was ONLY the right wing that really endorsed censorship.

It isn't liberals that try to censor Alan Ginsberg or Bill Hicks, and for the most part it's not academia's place to censor's academia's place to argue them.

Now, however, it's the left that is censoring Denis Leary and Norm McDonald, it's the left that is equating offensive speech with physical aggression and it's academia that is encouraging that.

Like Ayn Rand they view morality as relativist, however unlike Ayn Rand that is all they view as relativist and that is where the danger is...when you start teaching that tactics are equal to outcomes.

Depends on the school.  Baylor?  NCSU?  No.  UT, or Berkely?  Yes.  So, since they can go either way, I'm going to have to say that it's not intrinsic to their nature.

No, it's not intrinsic by nature everywhere, but it is a growing movement and from the French Revolution where Max gave a speech honoring Louis a few years before he had him killed, to the rise of Mao, these movements start on college campuses.

And what we are seeing is a growing movement, based on identity and moral relativism, that is as Authoritarian as the far right...and I would argue that when you are dealing with that, the only difference between the left and the right is the people being oppressed and targeted.

However, in Theory they should probably teach the next generation to make their world better, instead of fighting to keep it the backwards shithole it is now. 

Well that, I think is the issue.  We are teaching the my generation to make the world better...but not to do it with logic, reason, and Enlightenment philosophies, but through self-validation and emotions.

We are also teaching my generation to divide into groups based on race, religion, gender, and sexuality and focus on those divisions...rather than the individual and, most importantly, what we all have in common and how we can get along based on that commonality...and the result of that is hostile.

So, Progressive, not "Liberal."  The progressive dream is our children having it better than we did.  The Conservative one is "Global Warming?  Well, I heard that was a hoax."

Yes, "Progressive" NOT "Liberal."  I am a liberal.  I believe in equality, I believe that races are EQUAL, and NOT that races should have more say or more rights depending on past oppression.  The same goes for gender and sexuality.

One of the weirdest protests I've seen on campus was the Trans community protesting the Gay community because homosexuals still identify as the gender they were born as...and as a result were attracted to the same gender and it was, because of Gay marriage, somehow oppressive to the trans community...and after asking questions about it I still didn't understand it other than the fact that they were angry.

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Reply #13 on: September 19, 2018, 11:04:10 PM
MissB -  Aren't state funded universities by their nature liberal?

Depends on the school.  Baylor?  NCSU?  No.  

Baylor is a private university.


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Reply #14 on: September 19, 2018, 11:32:06 PM
Now, however, it's the left that is censoring Denis Leary and Norm McDonald, it's the left that is equating offensive speech with physical aggression and it's academia that is encouraging that.

Connect those dots.  Crying "Censorship!" at the "Liberals" proves nothing unless you can substantiate the allegations.

No, it's not intrinsic by nature everywhere, but it is a growing movement and from the French Revolution where Max gave a speech honoring Louis a few years before he had him killed, to the rise of Mao, these movements start on college campuses.

For someone who hates being called names, to the point of accusing people of calling you a Nazi, you sure are quick to jumps straight from universities' supposed agendas to a pseudo-historic tirade of the rise of Communism in the 2nd world.  What the fuck does Chairman Mao have to do with the leftist slant of state run schools in America?  (I mean other than actually in the History of the Cold War lectures.)

And what we are seeing is a growing movement, based on identity and moral relativism, that is as Authoritarian as the far right...and I would argue that when you are dealing with that, the only difference between the left and the right is the people being oppressed and targeted.

You sure seem to be seeing this, everywhere, but you're doing a pretty halfassed job at even attempting to show it to anyone else.  

We are also teaching my generation to divide into groups based on race, religion, gender, and sexuality and focus on those divisions...rather than the individual and, most importantly, what we all have in common and how we can get along based on that commonality...and the result of that is hostile.

Again, this isn't something anyone ever had to go to college to learn, i picked all that up on the playgrounds, and beaches of Chorpus Cristi texas getting the snot kicked out of me by older kids yelling at us (My brother and I) in Spanish.  For not speaking Spanish.  When I was 6.  I hadn't even started elementary school in Texas yet, because we just moved there that summer.  (Incidentally, after being born in Arlington VA)

I am a liberal.

The kinda liberal I just quoted as saying that Liberals are sensoring comedians, using colleges to put forth an Authoritarian agenda, and cited an article about teaching college students Bias.  So, a liberal hating liberal.

One of the weirdest protests I've seen on campus was the Trans community protesting the Gay community because homosexuals still identify as the gender they were born as...and as a result were attracted to the same gender and it was, because of Gay marriage, somehow oppressive to the trans community...and after asking questions about it I still didn't understand it other than the fact that they were angry.

You didn't understand it, and yet you just went on, and on about what it was about, popping down 3 layers of motives, and somehow made it about Transpeople hating gays?  

Fuck you.  No, we're not saying that.  None of us are saying that, and your mongumental lack of understanding is so biased, that you need absolutely nothing, other than your feelings of terror, to blame transpeople.

A transwoman threw the first brickbat, that started Stonewall.  The riot that eventually became PRIDE.  You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, you're not even trying to understand, you're asking Transpeople questions for the sole purpose of getting quotes to take out of context, and justify your irrational fear.

We don't want to take over anything.  We just want the right to exist.  We haven't done a single thing to you, to justify lumping us in with the likes of Mao, who would have us publically executed for not conforming.  You can not learn anything without learning to control your Biases.


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Reply #15 on: September 19, 2018, 11:34:48 PM
Baylor is a private university.


You're right, Texas A&M then.  My mistake.

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Reply #16 on: September 20, 2018, 01:22:11 AM

MissB -  Aren't state funded universities by their nature liberal?

Depends on the school.  Baylor?  NCSU?  No.  UT, or Berkely?  Yes.  So, since they can go either way, I'm going to have to say that it's not intrinsic to their nature.

However, in Theory they should probably teach the next generation to make their world better, instead of fighting to keep it the backwards shithole it is now.  

So, Progressive, not "Liberal."  The progressive dream is our children having it better than we did.  The Conservative one is "Global Warming?  Well, I heard that was a hoax."

PSI, I think Watcher was using the word "liberal" in its truest meaning, which has nothing to do with either politics and polemics (or whining).

« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 03:29:44 PM by MissBarbara »

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Reply #17 on: September 20, 2018, 02:54:33 AM
PSI, I think Watcher was using the word "liberal" in its truest meaning, which as nothing to do with either politics and polemics (or whining).

Okay, on the assumption that it has 1 true meaning.  Aside from beliefs (Including political) it's an antonym of restricted.  So, it originally ment unrestricted.  As in a liberal sprinkle of cheese on top.  (Or a Liberal Arts degree.)

Then again, "Catholic" originally ment Universal.

I don't know what he was thinking.  We can only guess, or ask him that.

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Reply #18 on: September 20, 2018, 07:44:09 AM
And what we are seeing is a growing movement, based on identity and moral relativism, that is as Authoritarian as the far right...and I would argue that when you are dealing with that, the only difference between the left and the right is the people being oppressed and targeted.

Based on moral relativism but authoritarian? What?

Well, it seems like we are being taught that the ends justify the means.  So, say, punching someone for saying something that offends you is equal to the words that offend you.  And, encouraged in a way.

I've seen classes break down to screaming sessions at people to effectively silence them for not holding all of the same views, and this is an action that the professors not only encourage, but will talk to the lone wolf about dropping the class later...for having a different view.

So my moral relativism, its the belief that there are no true morals, no honest facts, and your actions--no matter what they are--are justified so long as they are done for the right reasons. 

Offensive speech then has the "consequence" of physical violence or threats of violence and there is no difference to them between the two.

It's very Authoritarian in action.  But it's not really absolute and Nike and Micheal Moore are great examples.

Nike and corporations in general used to be evil entities, especially if they use sweatshops.  You didn't buy Nike's because you object to the sweatshops...then Colin endorsed them and the rhetoric changed to NOT liking Nike is the same as racism.

And Micheal Moore is a racist because, IDK, a decade ago he made a movie with a part that is critical of Nike.  So retroactively people are calling him a racist...because of Nike.

The "morality" changes at the drop of a hat and, because it's relative, the hypocrisy goes straight over people's heads.

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Reply #19 on: September 20, 2018, 03:34:22 PM

PSI, I think Watcher was using the word "liberal" in its truest meaning, which as nothing to do with either politics and polemics (or whining).

Okay, on the assumption that it has 1 true meaning.  Aside from beliefs (Including political) it's an antonym of restricted.  So, it originally ment unrestricted.  As in a liberal sprinkle of cheese on top.  (Or a Liberal Arts degree.)

Then again, "Catholic" originally ment Universal.

I don't know what he was thinking.  We can only guess, or ask him that.

While I hesitate to put words in Watcher's mouth, he's expressed his views on this topic -- which closely align with mine -- several times on KB. Plus, in the rest of his reply which I didn't cite he writes, "They take incoming freshmen and try to to expand their awareness of the world from the isolated world they lived in during high school. In essence,  open their eyes to the broader world through courses and clubs, etc."

In other words, the goal of a university should be to create critical readers and critical thinkers, to provide them with information from every point of view, and then let them decide. And type of indoctrination -- from the left, the right, or anything in between -- is anathema to a university's true meaning, and true goal.

Then again, I hope Watcher sees this and weighs in...

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