Pot hole repair, and infrastructure upkeep are distinctly State issues, and not Federal issues. States and State/Local politicians need to have their feet held to the fire by their own Constituents, and not ramble on about Federal Government who is not responsible.
Having 'Federal Money' for what should be State responsibility, is shorthand for having a requirement to pay "prevailing wage", which is shorthand for Union wage, for the same work that should be accomplished within the State by the lowest capable bidder. States should not give up their responsibility, nor should they receive Federal money for infrastructure upkeep.
Weasel words, and 'free' money from Uncle Sam, is just a way for local pols to duck doing their own jobs, and a way to increase the actual costs, and increase the actual time needed to do those jobs. When you hear Federal, think Union, think less competition in the bidding process, think slower process prior to and during construction, and think less construction for the same money spent, over the longer and inconvenient time, because your local politicians took the weasel way out of actually doing their jobs.