Never heard of this bunch until this article. Will accept they are zealots of some stripe, and am not a fan, what little I know today. Does not make Antifa worth existence, and certainly does not give Antifa a pass to break the law, any law.
Antifa is the reason there is violence whenever they show up, and they need to be shut down, not coddled. Permits should not be granted for violent groups, and violent groups, if granted a permit for some unavoidable reason, must post a bond, and provide security to curb their own people, seems to me.
Thugs are not welcome, no matter their political leanings.
No KKK, no Socialist Party Nazi's, no violent democrat backed groups at all.
No other violent groups known to Police for violence.
Your violent group is just as bad as my violent group, and has no place in public demonstrations, however there are some Constitutional considerations, and thus a requirement to prevent violence, by whatever means are needed, seems to me.
Look at what nonsense the 2017 Inaugural violence, and arrests, turned into.
Virtually no punishment for any of those arrested, by one reason or another, squeaked free.
Just need then to stop them from the opportunity, and insure they never wish to come back to that town again by whatever means necessary.
If we must squander our money in court actions, no need to put up with the nonsense as well. Beat them when they riot, whatever it takes, maintain the law, protect the citizens, protect the property, and disbar weasel lawyers who seek to allow such vile behavior to go unpunished, as may be necessary.