Leader McConnell stated today the Senate will vote this Fall on President Trump's expected Nominee. President Trump is not a lame duck, and while it is difficult to tell sometimes, no National Campaign for President is underway.
The Biden Rule does not apply.
How about Senator Lee, R-UT for SCOTUS? I hate to think of Utah having only Mitt Romney to count upon in the Senate, yet his name has been raised by a number of folks who know his qualifications, and trust his judgement, as to applying valid Constitutional values, without surprises, like Judge Souter, and Judge Kennedy for that matter.
Having a new Justice to confirm will help bring out patriots of all stripes, and energize the November 2018 mid-terms. Hopefully, Justice Ginsberg will give a similar opportunity and incentive for patriots of all stripes for November 2020.
Then there is the second term, will be interesting to see opportunities then.