Gloating, eh...
If I post "news", which this story is, of course, in a open discussion forum, it gets moved as soon as our less savory troll uses attacking words, or scat references, "to have it moved" to 1408, where he can say what he really likes.
Was it the "MAGA" comment that triggered you, Katiebee?
Since SCOTUS found, as had to be expected, that the President has the full right to take this action, as was the President's claim, as has been precedent in other Administrations... the waste of time and resources has been the kicking and screaming Democrats and Rinos who refuse to accept reality, at great expense to our Country, and I see no end to it.
Gloating indeed, when SCOTUS rules as they 'must' rule, to uphold the Constitution, against attack by leftists of all stripes, the enemies within, who are well represented here, unfortunately.
Sorry you did not just read the article, and try to digest it, accept it, and not take it so personally when what you cheered on, you 'collectively' as leftists, Democrats and Rinos, and you outright Marxists, and Bernie supporters, and Mainstream Media, but again, I am being redundant.
What issue do you suggest we drag out for a year NEXT? I am sure Dems are paying lawyers as we speak to challenge whatever next actions WhiteHouse may take, to better our nation, and uphold existing law.
Just say "Aaaah..." and let it happen, so we can move on to important stuff.