It is the law. We are a nation of laws. Should the Administration break the law and keep the minor aliens with the adults longer than Judge Gee detailed?
Catch and Release is over, hopefully. Aliens applying for asylum, some have travelled up to 2000 miles, and paid a lot of money to criminal smugglers to get here, understand they will be detained until vetted, processed, decided to bring children along, stood in the long lines awaiting this process, and should have made other plan, if they object.
Provided the alien has not broken any law, lied on applications, etc., each may decide to be deported, and begin their lives anew in Mexico perhaps, for the asking, while still as a family unit. It is up to the 'no visa alien', really.
For those triggered by non-stop CNN, MSNBC, and other leftist media focus on the Border, do not fret. The FBI IG hearings are over, or close, and it will be safe for such 'news' outlets to again focus on Stormy, or Comey, or some other topic to trash President Trump. Meanwhile, try C-SPAN.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 03:15:20 PM by joan1984 »
Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.