Serious people have learned to take President Trump seriously, and not literally. Anyone paying at attention knows he does not like the law as it is today, which does not provide adequately for innocent minor illegal aliens in a suitable manner.
We all agree that lawbreakers, adults who criminally break into our borders, must be detained, incarcerated while their adjudication is pending, as they have demonstrated as lawbreakers that they cannot be 'trusted' or relied upon to be released, and expected to willingly return for adjudication in a timely manner.
Unlawful entry to the United States is a crime. Incarceration of children in an adult prison is not a suitable situation, and family prison is not available at this time, for non-citizen criminal aliens. Democrats helped put he existing law into place, and if the existing law is to be enforced as written, and it is, the issue remains as to good treatment of illegal alien minors while their parents remain incarcerated.
The good news is that the children are being cared for, and instructed as to essentials in hygiene, tooth brushing, use of flush toilets, and other skills which will bode well for their future, no matter where they wind up. Groups are taken on Museum tours, and receive at least six hours of education daily. ESL is an essential for any migrant, and they are receiving a great head start currently.
The tweet you posted is one where the President highlights some of the needed components of new legislation to find some relief of this situation, soon rather than 'down the road' as has been the case with Democrat delays of near all legislation to date in the current Congress.
Slow walking, resisting getting much done when it comes to necessary laws, seems the norm at the moment, and need not be in this case.
Thank you.