Was just trying to express pleasure that the issue has been settled. Families now will be kept together, as so many here endorse.
Wait, I thought you
didn't think families should be kept together.
Which is it? You don't get to argue out of both sides of your butt.
Either this policy was the right thing to do, and Trump caved like the lily-liveried chickenshit we all know he is, or it was the wrong policy to begin with.
I await your clarification.
[NB for everyone else--I don't want to distract Joan from answering the above request for clarification, so don't read this Joan until you've answered that please--
Trump's executive order, like all his executive orders, is a piece of butt wipe. What he basically did, was order the DHS to violate a court order. That's ludicrous. It isn't worth the paper it's printed on. The courts will slap this shit down in a heartbeat.
Furthermore, children currently in detention will not be returned to their families. Their status is currently unknown.
The concentrations camps continue despite this ridiculous executive order, and once it's shot down in the courts, Trump will have to either change the underlying policy (which is inhumane and is what should have been ended with this EO), or he'll have to go back to the concentration camps. Anyone care to wager which one he'll do?]
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 06:09:30 AM by ChrisHailey »