Before Obama was elected and right after he was elected, I was questioning his policies. For questioning his policies, I was labeled a racist by (former) friends and by my mother-in-law. I had no issue with his being black or white or whatever. Obviously, they did. Not being able to discuss issues with me rationally, they would say, "Oh yeah? Oh, yeah? Well, you just don't like him cauz he's black. You're a fucking racist."
Have a friend trying to get back together with me, a bass player who used to jam with me, can't seem to remember why we stopped being friends. Hmmm. Interesting, since I didn't pull the plug, since I wasn't the one who called him a whole bunch of nasty names.
"I don't remember" he says. Quite convenient.
The only reason I used the phrase "first black president" in my post is because it seemed like so many people at the time repeated that phrase over and over again as if Obama were the second coming and as if his being the first black president made him untouchable. Of course, he turned out to be just another lying politician.
I am sorry if it offended anyone here. I know you are all so touchy.