I know some KB'ers like to blame Washington/Trump for anything, everything, possible and you want to include local crazy persons using legally purchased firearms in a criminal manner in your agenda against anyone but leftists... Please think about this a bit.
The reason for your frustration, perhaps, is you are seeking an unreasonable solution. You may give up your own freedom or rights, but you may not give up your neighbor's freedom or rights, so readily. There is a process. Seek the agenda solution closer to home. Move closer to a location who believes as you do.
Vote with your feet. Move to places who restrict gun sales as you like. Places such as Washington, DC, perhaps, or Chicago, IL, or name your favorite leftist governed city in America, which may already have the laws you seek. I am sure you lust for such living conditions as these places provide, and will feel the safety there which you purport to require.
For a bus ticket, you can have it. No need to ask permission even. Just do it.
Each State has responsibility to it's own citizens, and residents, or at least exercises such authority, as to how it handles many things, commerce wise, including the legal sale of firearms and ammunition. One State will not sell a particular type of rifle, with particular attributes or features. Another State will sell the same rifle, including those aforementioned attributes or features.
How many bullets can be in a clip? How many shotgun shells may be loaded into a 'goose' gun. What firearms are not allowed for hunting certain game, in certain seasons, and what type of ammunition is allowed, certain game and certain seasons.
At what age may a State citizen purchase a particular type of firearm, say a handgun, versus a shotgun, versus a rifle. On and on go the State by State regulations as to who may buy what, when and where.
50 States, plus 7 territories and districts, whatever other jurisdictions may be our Nation's makeup, each controls its own when it comes to firearms, as well as many other items. 50 Governors, Legislatures, Councils, or whatever have created their own rules regarding ages, ID requirements, even background checks and other details. Each jurisdiction has elected, and reelected people to fulfill the duties of such positions. You can vote for them every year or two.
Yes there are Federal limits/laws regarding particular types of firearms, such as automatic fire (more than one round fired with a single trigger pull), and the use of Military firearms. Those 'limits' are closely enforced, licenses sold and so forth, and if you want a Howitzer for the front yard of your Veterans Club, it is possible... just not one in working order, etc.
It is not the job of our Federal Government to dictate much to all 50 States. The States have freedoms, YOU have freedoms, not given to you by the Federal government. Trying to short circuit local responsibility, and answering to local voters for local and State regulations and laws, by seeking sweeping Federal intervention is not the way our Nation is governed.
Nor should it be.