I'm not sure about the cancel culture thing either, but my mind goes to those gym incidents where women attack men for looking at them even though they show up in skimpy skintight clothes and do squats with their ass sticking out in the middle of the gym.
What I'm getting from this is a complete double standard as well. A guy approaches and starts flirting, if she's not interested she'll turn him down and thats too bad for him, but if she approaches a guy, and he turns her down, he's an unbelievable asshole, he's stupid, and that is just rude. How dare he!
Just because they are in the same building or room, doesn't mean he's free to make whatever move he wants to and vise versa. There needed to be better communication, and understanding on both parties. If he wants to wait or he doesn't feel right about it, she needs to swallow her pride accept that, just like men do. Some of us have become too arrogant and feel we are better than we actually are.
To elaborate just a little more on the drunk driving example MissB used, there needs to be a reason to suspect drunk driving. There needs to be more signs than just a person driving. Swerving, slow driving, fast driving, etc. These all communicate a possible drunk driver, and therefore implied consent to being pulled over and given a breathalyzer. If they are just driving, and doing nothing wrong, it would be illegal for the officer to pull the person over.
There needs to be more than just staying over that says she's interested. I slept at my friends Shannon's home last weekend. If her husband suddenly came into the living room and started trying to have sex with me on the couch, regardless of how good looking he is, I'd have been mortified. Just sleeping there wasn't implied consent for him to try.