You're new here, and if you were a little more versed in KB and it's history, you'd know that the user currently known as "Mervinh2o" started that thread and was the primary contributor to the thread.
Okay, I noticed that the OP was a dead account, but had no way of knowing it was Mervin's old one. My mistake.
On top of that, you clearly do not understand the point of that thread. It's beauty is that it's free from politics and polemics, and, in it's way, it is somewhat "old fashioned." But, if I me be so bold, it has one over-arching theme: Respect, and especially, respect for women.
Okay, that explains why it's in Fun&Games instead of 1408, but it's also one of those subjects like Politics, and Religion. I didn't say anything there, because it is all fun, and games, but this is in Sex Talk, and if I may, that includes Sexist Talk. At least to me. "Respect," as it's intended on chivalrous men's part can be condescending to downright insulting on the women's part, when it comes to things like making sure they don't have to open a door for themselves, because they're weak, and fragile likeat.
That's the chivalrous "Respect" I'd like to see just die. In this day, and age, where women can be MMA fighters, fighter pilots, and superheros from outer space. Let me point out that Captain Marvel's role in the MCU isn't Wonder-Woman's in the Justice League, she's Superman (Also, the "Tank" is Captain America. And the Demi-god is a tall blond with a great body.) Now, if Comic Book nerds, of all people, can accept that Superman for all intents and purposes can be played by a cute little blond, then she can, in fact, open her own damned door, and pull out her own damned chair.
It's not respect when you force it on her, then demand she "Smile" so you know she likes it.