At this point in time, I think someone should point out the Day Care Sexual Abuse and Satanist scares of the 80s and 90s.
What about them? I'm down, I just need more to go on, since these were pretty broad, and could be narrowed down.
I can only share my personal story when it comes to the Satanic Panic! A big part of that was D&D is from the devil, to lure kids into Satanic rituals (Along with Ouija boards and a bunch of other things.)
We got the 2nd edition AD&D boxed set for Christmas in 1983 from Autn Marnie, and Uncle Jim. A bit of a family tradition, they always sent us games like that, where we got our Scrabble from too. Mom was the DM, and also took us to a Pentacostal Holiness (Word of Faith) fundimentalist church, where they talked in tongues, and practiced faith healing. (She was also raised Quaker)
Oddly enough being the DM didn't turn us all to the Devil. My mom was the Dungeon Master. Instead of making us eat our vegetables, she rushed us through dinner, and let us stay up late, so we could play the new adventure she wrote during the week.
Then took us to church to talk in tongues, and have the demons driven out of us by an Amway pastor with a $200.00 suit, and car salesman haircut.