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Fuck you GOP, and your child raping Senate candidate, Judge Roy Moore

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Offline Athos_131

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Dr. Rick, best to do is move to Alabama, and cast your vote.

You're just a horrible person.


Check yourself in a mirror, cowboy.

I'm not the one supporting rapists, child rapists, and racism.

I could run through all your posts here, but everyone already knows this.

Go fly a kite.


Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor


Offline Lois

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Good to see you back Dr. Rick!  Long time no see.  :emot_kiss:


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Dr. Rick, best to do is move to Alabama, and cast your vote.

Good idea, Joan, but I'm out of time.  Voter registration in Alabama closes 14 days before the election, or November 28 - a week from today.  And I'm traveling until the 27th.  I should have thought of this earlier.  ;D


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Good to see you back Dr. Rick!  Long time no see.  :emot_kiss:

Thanks, Lois ... it's good to be back!

Offline Athos_131

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Please do not attempt to decide what I have a right to comment about, or not, and give me instructions about what I must do to earn any rights. Thank you.


Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor


Offline Northwest

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And, I might add, a big fuck you to the tu quoque crowd.[/b]

Oh, MissB, you taught me a new phrase, and it's a honey. I had to look it up and everything.

The next forum I use it at and I'm going to look like a smart guy. It's pretty timely and relevant, too, since it seems to be the Republican's go to defense -- to blame the Democrats for the exact same thing which the Dems point out that they are doing.

Tu quoque much, Brute?

Offline MissBarbara

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And, I might add, a big fuck you to the tu quoque crowd.[/b]

Oh, MissB, you taught me a new phrase, and it's a honey. I had to look it up and everything.

The next forum I use it at and I'm going to look like a smart guy. It's pretty timely and relevant, too, since it seems to be the Republican's go to defense -- to blame the Democrats for the exact same thing which the Dems point out that they are doing.

Tu quoque much, Brute?

I probably shouldn't reveal this, in order to protect my aura of innate shining brilliance, but when I was an undergrad, my university required all students to take two classes in each of several general subject areas in order to graduate. It was easy to fulfill most of them, but Math was always my weakest subject (and it still is), and to fulfill my second Math requirement, I took a Logic course offered by the Philosophy Department. It turned out to be one of the most interesting and useful classes I took, especially applicable today in our age of brainless posting on social media. In the class we studied a number of logical fallacies, many of which had Latin names, e.g. "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc," "semper sed non pro semper," and "tu quoque." Using Latin always makes you look smart...


"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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So yesterday we learned that serial abuser Donald Trump endorsed serial abuser Toy Moore for the Alabama Senate seat.  No surprise there: “Birds of a feather …” and all.

We also learned the justification for Roy Moore’s stalking / hitting on / molesting underage girls back in the ‘70s.  This comes to us from an evangelical Christian preacher named Flip Benham.

It seems that by the time Moore went to West Point and served in the Army, including in Vietnam (subtext: the man is a patriot and supports the military), and then went to law school, all the eligible young ladies of legal age were already married or spoken for (subtext: Moore was therefore a victim).  So ol' Roy had no choice but to dip into the pedo pool to find girls to date (with their parents’ permission of course – except for 14-year-old Leigh Corfman’s mother).

That doesn’t quite square with my recollection of those days.  I too went to college, then served in the military, then went to graduate school.  Like Moore, I was 29 by the time I received my degree (JD for him, PhD for me).

But my recollection is that there was pussy galore for any person in my position who wasn’t a self-important, self-righteous, self-indulgent, self-absorbed asshole.  That was true in Alabama, it was true in Pennsylvania (which, outside the cities, resembles Alabama in many ways); it was true everywhere.

And you didn’t find those young ladies by cruising the mall or lurking at teen-girl dance recitals.  You found them on campuses, in offices, at sporting events … everywhere.

Anyway, back to parents’ permission.  This gives me a great idea: how about, instead of saying “Thank you for your service” to veterans, why not just offer up one of your teenage daughters instead?

DAD: “Hey Roy, in honor of your service, take my 16-year-old daughter. She’s yours with my permission!”

ROY: “Uhh, thanks but I think her boobs are kinda big …”

DAD: “No problem, my aging hero … take the 12-year-old instead, with my blessing; her boobs just started growing a few months ago. And there ain't much grass on the ball field, either... If you get my drift.”

Think of the benefits: military enlistments would soar!  People would re-enlist, just to keep wearing the uniform!  No young lady with an age past double-digits would ever have to sit home on Saturday night ever again!

Whaddaya think?

« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 08:32:20 PM by DrRick947 »

Offline Lois

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That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard for being pedo.  The truth is he didnt want girls his own age because they could not be manipulated.  So he stalked those he saw as vulnerable to his influence.  We call people like this predators.

Offline Northwest

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I probably shouldn't reveal this, in order to protect my aura of innate shining brilliance, but when I was an undergrad, my university required all students to take two classes in each of several general subject areas in order to graduate. It was easy to fulfill most of them, but Math was always my weakest subject (and it still is), and to fulfill my second Math requirement, I took a Logic course offered by the Philosophy Department. It turned out to be one of the most interesting and useful classes I took, especially applicable today in our age of brainless posting on social media. In the class we studied a number of logical fallacies, many of which had Latin names, e.g. "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc," "semper sed non pro semper," and "tu quoque." Using Latin always makes you look smart... [/b]

Nothing to worry about, MissB; legenda obdurate!
« Last Edit: November 22, 2017, 07:28:22 PM by Northwest »

Offline Northwest

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That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard for being pedo.  The truth is he didnt want girls his own age because they could not be manipulated.  So he stalked those he saw as vulnerable to his influence.  We call people like this predators.

Yes. Basically, we're reduced to making the same justifications for pedophilia as we make for raising and eating veal; "But it's so tender and sweet..."


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That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard for being pedo.  The truth is he didnt want girls his own age because they could not be manipulated.  So he stalked those he saw as vulnerable to his influence.  We call people like this predators.

There is a form of pedophilia called ephebophilia, in which one’s primary sexual interest is in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 14 to 19.  Moore sounds like a textbook case.  I don’t doubt that preying on their vulnerability was part of the attraction, but it is a psycho-sexual pathology bordering on compulsion.  There is no reason he would engage in the risky behaviors that he did, particularly while an Ass’t DA.

Offline Katiebee

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My latin is usually restricted to bastarfsdized semi-Latin.

Illegitimi non carborundum
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 12:29:47 AM by Katiebee »

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline Northwest

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My latinnis usually restricted to bastarfsdized semi-Latin.

Illegitimi non carborundum

Most of mine came from "Life Of Brian".

Offline Katiebee

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Do you also have a good friend named Bigus Dickus?
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 12:34:55 AM by Katiebee »

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

Offline Northwest

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I'ma bring this back on topic before I(we) get blistered for thread hijacking:

This is pretty straight forward, but she asks the right questions. Have we really descended this far as a people and a nation? The answer appears to be yes, but we'll see when the votes are tallied.

Katy Tur: ‘Which Does This White House View as Worse, an Accused Pedophile or a Democrat?’

Offline Lois

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The Trump White House doesn't need no stinkin ethics.

Former ethics director: Kellyanne Conway violated Hatch Act with Roy Moore comments

Offline Lois

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I had to laugh when Trump said Doug Jones was weak on borders.  Because Alabama borders Mississippi, Tennessee Florida, and Georgia.  I guess he's supposed to lock those borders down!  Or maybe he's supposed to lock the citizens of Alabama in?

And weak on crime? LOL! Why? Because he prosecuted KKK racists that killed children? No doubt that's a horrible thing to do in Trump's racist little brain.

COntrast that with Judge Roy Moore, who often sided with sex offenders while serving on the bench.  Clearly he thinks the women were asking for it.  No surprise there.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 08:02:02 AM by Lois »

Offline Lois

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GOP campaign talking points:

1980's: No to gay teachers.  They will molest children!
1990's: No to gays adopting children, they will molest them!
2000's: No to gays getting married, they will molest their children!
2010's: No to transgender's using women's bathrooms, they will molest children!
2017: Child molesters, what's the big deal?

Offline Northwest

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GOP campaign talking points:

1980's: No to gay teachers.  They will molest children!
1990's: No to gays adopting children, they will molest them!
2000's: No to gays getting married, they will molest their children!
2010's: No to transgender's using women's bathrooms, they will molest children!
2017: Child molesters, what's the big deal?

Forget the talking points. If you want to know what the GOP really cares about, ignore the words and watch the actions.

The GOP is about two things only; maintaining control at any cost, and increasing, with each passing year, the the share of the pie for those already at the top. The rest is  fodder for the dim witted.