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Fuck you GOP, and your child raping Senate candidate, Judge Roy Moore

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Roy Moore accuser alters part of her account about inscription

Allred said Friday that an independent forensic handwriting analyst had examined the signature, and the handwriting preceding the signature, and concluded they were written by Moore.

Now, please answer the question:

Were the THIRTY sources the Washington Post interviewed for the initial story lying in your opinion also?


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Google provided 664,000 some odd responses to my inquiry.

I can probably get more responses on google that the world is flat.

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That seems to prove that the world being flat is about 87.8 times more likely to be true than what joan said.

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That seems to prove that the world being flat is about 87.8 times more likely to be true than what joan said.

You guys are killing me.

Offline MissBarbara

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Google provided 664,000 some odd responses to my inquiry. I did not read them, just provided them as it was alleged, or seemed that way, that Members here could find nothing. There is lots out there, and you may need to read a few and draw your own conclusions as to who is lying, fibbing, weasel words, and who is consistent in their statements.

For how many weeks, since the story broke, one claimed their yearbook was evidence that Roy Moore met her in person, signed her yearbook, proof. We were all told that everything she said was to be considered as TRUTH, and that was that.

Until yesterday, and this morning, when CNN gave her as much of a pass as is possible, phrasing a question in such a way as to not ask about concealment of her own writing and so forth, why did she lie originally and why did she continue to lie for weeks and weeks, and only now, virtually on the eve of the Alabama election, is she saying not Roy Moore, but herself wrote statements in question.  She still claims the signature is his, indicates the D.A. as proof he was District Attorney, when he was not District Attorney at that time, year...

The fact that not until Roy Moore was no longer District Attorney, but was a Judge, and had his clerk with the initials D.A. would such a signature appear.

Judge Moore was one woman's Judge in the matter of her Divorce, and the signature on her divorce papers matches exactly the supposed signature on her yearbook, to my eye, and to Judge Moore's attorney's eye. A request to submit the 'evidence' to a Certified Expert in Handwriting has so far been stonewalled.

And here we are. Who do you believe, and why, what beyond her gender and claim makes her believable. Who will the Alabama Jury believe, if there is a crime to defend in court there?

Democrat and RINO subversives, whispering the the willing ears of The Washington Post reporter who just happened on this information is not enough, not nearly enough, to prompt such a story to be believed, especially unveiled not during the past decades when Roy Moore held many State offices but only just AFTER it is too late to change the ballots for this election.

You betcha, if this were happening to Doug Jones, the Washington Post, and the gaggle of Democrat activists on this board, would be on the far opposite side of this discussion, Ms Barbara.

In fact, if this were the level of evidence in the case of Al Franken many of you would be protesting his leaving the Senate, if he actually intends to leave the Senate... will believe it when I see it.

Quote from: joan1984 link=topic=60642.msg488350#msg488350 date=1512761641

 If you are not readily finding this story, you need to question your own 'go to' sources, people.  I retract nothing, and if you look beyond your comfort zone of positive Obama reporting, and positive Hillary reporting, and Trump is bad reporting, you will find a lot of "news" your usual suspects are not telling you.
I just typed: judge moore accuser lies    into my browser, Google search:

this is the result.  Methinks you simply do not wish to find what you do not like.[/color]

Joan, I took your advice and clicked on the link you provided.

In that Google search, the only sources listed that agree with you are FOX News, Brietbart, and Ann Coulter.

The fact that Google provided "664,000 some odd responses to my inquiry" couldn't be more meaningless, as Athos's post clearly demonstrates.

Not a single KB member alleged they could find nothing on this topic. They alleged that you would be unable to provide viable sources to back your baseless assertions. And, in a wonderfully ironic turn, the only sources you provide-- FOX News, Breitbart, and Ann Coulter --are famously biassed sources, and two of three aren't news sources, they're opinion sites. 

As for Al Franken, contrary to your assertion, not a single KB member protested his leaving the Senate. In fact, among those who expressed an opinion on this specific topic, not a single one protested his leaving the Senate, and all agreed that he should leave the Senate.

As for Roy Moore, you write, "We were all told that everything she said was to be considered as TRUTH, and that was that." I was never told that (and your use of the passive voice is very telling), nor, I strongly suspect, does anyone here believe that.

Finally, you proclaim, "You betcha, if this were happening to Doug Jones, the Washington Post, and the gaggle of Democrat activists on this board, would be on the far opposite side of this discussion, Ms Barbara."

Let's start with the hypocrisy of your condemning those who speak out against Roy Moore, saying that that should be left to the citizens of Alabama, yet you speak out, albeit hypothetically, against Doug Jones, and do NOT leave that to the citizens of Alabama.

I don't know if your use of the phrase "you betcha" was intended to mock my Midwestern upbringing, but let me assure you that no one in Chicago says "you betcha," unless they're citing lines from "Fargo."

And, hypothetically, if this WERE happening to Doug Jones -- having a list of allegations of sexual assault leveled against him, including believable accusations that he sexually molested a child -- you betcha that "the gaggle of Democratic activists on this board" would condemn Jones in no uncertain terms, just as they've condemned Al Franken and John Conyers.

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Very well expressed, MissBarbara. I believe this one time the collective group here at Kristen's decided we weren't going to simply sit back and watch while Joan presented falsifications about every aspect of the story about Beverly Nelson. I expect that Joan is feeling rather bruised by the entire experience, as her every sentence has been torn apart, analyzed and found wanting.

If so, that's good -- she should be feeling bruised. If she lacks the requisite skill to present a well reasoned and minimally credible argument to support her position, then she shouldn't be posting on this forum. Attempting to deceive others is neither valuable nor honorable. And if she can't tell that she's merely reprinting the lies of others, then she has no business engaged in this activity. Board to Joan -- get real or get lost.

Fox News deletes misleading headline blaming Roy Moore accuser of “forgery”

Beverly Young Nelson said she added “notes” to a yearbook inscription by Moore, Fox News said she “forged” it

Fox News felt a wave of outrage after publishing a misleading story which said one of the women who has accused Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore of sexual abuse "forged" part of her yearbook inscription signed by the Republican.

The Fox News story was published after Beverly Young Nelson sat down with "Good Morning Amerca's" Tom Llamas which aired on Friday. In the interview, Nelson said she made "notes" under Moore's inscription. In a news conference later on, Nelson's lawyer, Gloria Allred, said Nelson had written the notes so she could remember who Moore was and when and where he had signed the book, according to ABC News.

Nelson reiterated, however, "He did sign it."

Fox News did a report on Nelson's interview and the headline read, "Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of the yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate."

The headline has since been changed, and the coinciding tweet has been deleted, but an archive of the post still keeps the original headline available. The current headline now reads, "Roy Moore accuser admits she wrote part of yearbook inscription attributed to Alabama Senate candidate."

In regards to the approaching Dec. 12 special election, Nelson told Llamas, "It sickens me to wonder what may go on with him if he gets into office."

"He could be doing this still," she said, according to ABC News. "We don’t know. And, then again, I hope that he’s changed. I pray that he’s changed. I really do."

Moore has categorically denied all of the allegations he's been faced with, and both he and his campaign have argued that Moore's signature was forged. President Donald Trump, who stayed mostly quiet when the allegations first surfaced, has formally endorsed his bid for Senate.

On Friday afternoon Moore, and other conservatives, seized the narrative Fox News contorted and published a tweet including the original Fox News article and tweet.

    Boyfriend at the time says she lied.

    Employees of the restaurant say she lied.

    Customers of the restaurant say she lied.

    Her step son says she lied.

    Now she herself admits to lying.

    Let’s count how many national outlets will ignore the fact that she admits to lying.

    — Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) December 8, 2017

Many users on Twitter slammed Fox News for their spin tactics and pointed out how misleading their structuring of the story was.

    this is incredibly, incredibly misleading from fox news, but who is surprised. she says she added notes to the bottom of his signed message (presumably the date and location) but the message and signature was all his

    — David Mack (@davidmackau) December 8, 2017

    This is one of he most misleading headlines of all time. She says she added the date and location. She doesn’t say she forged any part of the message itself. Shame on you for such partisan journalism.

    — Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) December 8, 2017

    Fox News is the single most damaging force in American media.

    Beverly Nelson said she added "notes" to Moore's message. Characterizing that as having "forged" anything isn't just wildly irresponsible; it's journalistic malpractice.

    — Samit Sarkar (@SamitSarkar) December 8, 2017

Even right-wing pundit Ben Shapiro got close to calling out Fox News for its misleading report:

    No, the accuser didn’t admit to “forging” anything, and headlines suggesting she did are willful misinformation.

    — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 8, 2017

    You don't have to lie about what Nelson said to report that what she did say is a bombshell that casts doubt on her.

    — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 8, 2017

Charlie May

Charlie May is a news writer at Salon. You can find him on Twitter at @charliejmay

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Joan, I already wrote a post for you earlier in this thread (see below). All you needed to do was rubber stamp it and agree. Why does it matter? Because if you had done this, you would have at least on post in this thread which was honest and accurate. Instead, you have none of those, and are left with nothing but a series of attempted deceptions which are so crude as to fool no one -- lest of all yourself, I'm sure.

I fixed this for you:

1. I can't find sources to back up my claims, so I simply tried one last  silly attempt at distraction above.

2. Of course I lied.

3. I retract my various unfounded assertions and accusations. According to her lawyer, the woman added something below the signature . That's pretty much all we know. The rest of my comments were fictional.

4. Thank you, Northwest, for helping to keep me honest. It's not something I'm able to accomplish without a lot of help from others. Integrity is a distant land which I hope someday to visit.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 09:38:50 PM by Lois »

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This proves once again that Fox News and Breitbart are not reliable sources.  Anyone using these sources are likely to be accused of lacking any credibility.

Generally the following are considered to be the most reliable sources of news.  While there is no such thing as an unbiased news source, integrity forces these sources to report truth over bias and they don't just make shit up.  (Also, based on sources like Fox it's been shown that truth itself has a liberal bias.)

New York Times
The Economist
Associated Press

Two more sources to be aware of:

Snopes - not exactly a news source, but fact checking is essential in the days of rampant bias and false stories being spread by any two-bit hood with an internet connection.

C-SPAN - Provides a direct news feed of proceedings in the US Congress.  Get the news direct.  The truth of what is being said is still not guaranteed, but at least you can hear what is said in CONTEXT.  As for truthfulness, there is always Politifact that can be used to check that.

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The expert, Arthur T. Anthony, compared public documents with Moore’s handwriting and signature to the yearbook inscription as well as a graduation card Moore sent to another woman recently reported by The Washington Post. In the report, Anthony wrote, “It is my professional opinion...that the signature and handwritten notation above the signature...were prepared by Roy Moore.”

« Last Edit: December 11, 2017, 06:11:10 AM by Athos_131 »

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Fox News claims Jones is up by ten points, but I wouldn't put it past Fox (the least reputable major news source in America) to skew the results in an attempt to motivate people who might otherwise stay home. Remember, Fox doesn't report the news as much as it tries to create and manipulate the news.

So I take these results with several grains of salt:

Offline Lois

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The USA is looking like a very backwards nation for having someone like Roy Moore in the running for US Senate as anything other than a fringe candidate.

Roy Moore: The eyes of the world are on Alabama election
Katty Kay, BBC World News

Question: Just how interested is the world in the Alabama election tomorrow?

Answer: A reporter from Moldova is down there. It's pretty much all you need to know.

News organisations from foreign countries love stories about America that expose its weaknesses. They always have done.

It can sometimes be explained as schadenfreude, an almost indecent glee when things are perceived to have gone wrong in the world's superpower.

The riots in Ferguson, the shooting of Trayvon Martin, Hurricane Katrina, the financial crash, and now the Alabama race.

Those reporters would not normally fly to the Deep South to cover a mere US Senate race, especially one that should have been a straightforward Republican win in this conservative state.

Then again, you don't often get a candidate who believes homosexuality should be illegal, Muslims should be banned from serving in Congress and the last time America was great was when there was slavery.

That's the Republican, Roy Moore.

I deliberately omitted the sex allegations there because his record, even without serious claims of child molestation (which he denies), make him extreme, even by the standards of conservative, evangelical, Southern politicians.

The world's press probably would not have descended on Alabama for Tuesday's vote had it not been for the sexual harassment stories, but they should have done.
This was a fascinating story of America before that.

And it's a fascinating indication of the state of American politics today.

The Alabama race has split the Republican party. Donald Trump this weekend recorded a phone message in support of Roy Moore and at a rally in Florida urged Alabamians to vote for him. The president warned the Trump agenda could be at risk if the Democrats win the seat and reduce the Republican's already-narrow majority in the Senate.

The failed effort to repeal and replace Obamacare earlier this year proved how fragile the party's control of the Senate is. They desperately want to avoid a similar fate when it comes to upcoming votes on tax cuts.

Yet, other top Republicans, including the sitting senator for Alabama, have said they can't vote for Mr Moore because of the allegations against him.

Senator Richard Shelby is popular in the conservative state so it will be interesting to see whether his denunciation of Mr Moore has an impact at the polls.

Plenty of Alabamians are sticking by the candidate.

Roy Moore has what's been described as an almost "cult-like" following in Alabama.
He's the ultimate beneficiary of today's tribal politics. His supporters believe he embodies Christian values, will stand to bring the Bible back into politics and is prepared to defy politicians in Washington.

They see him as a true conservative who will consistently fight their side in America's bitter culture wars. But it's not his faith nor his opposition to abortion, immigration, and government that make him exceptional by US standards.

Over the years he has said things that can in total fairness be described as discriminatory, things that might have been expected to kill a political career. And yet his aspirations have thrived and he may well be about to become an American senator.

In 2006, Mr Moore wrote an editorial comparing the Koran to Hitler's Mein Kampf. The piece argued Muslims should not be allowed to serve in the US Congress.

In a television interview in 2005 he said he believes "homosexual conduct should be illegal".

Moore has also said Vladimir Putin, who says it's his duty to stop gay marriage, may be right on the issue.

Despite America's formal separation of church and state, Mr Moore believes "god's laws are always superior to man's".

He says Christianity should be favoured by the state.

In 1997, he suggested a link between teaching evolution in schools and drive-by shootings.

And, yes, he told an African-American at a rally during this campaign that America was last great during the time of slavery "when families were united - even though we had slavery".

All that made the Alabama race extraordinary even before eight women came forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct. One of them says she was just 14 at the time he allegedly assaulted her.

In the #MeToo moment that was what really got the world's attention.

But think about all the other things Mr Moore has said and this story should have grabbed our headlines from the beginning.

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Reply #172 on: December 13, 2017, 04:34:59 AM
« Last Edit: December 13, 2017, 04:38:31 AM by Athos_131 »

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One down, and the orange buffoon to go.

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Evidently being an asshole sexual abuser really does trump party.

There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who can count, and those who can't.

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Thank you Alabama!  Thank you for not embarrassing the United states.  Moore would have been a disaster.

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Evidently being an asshole sexual abuser really does trump party.


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Offline Athos_131

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Fuck Roy Moore and the horse he rode in on.


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