...you see Nazis marching down the streets, 117 miles from the Capital building, and talk about "Both sides."
There's not 2 sides, there's Nazis, and everyone else. It's their theme song, that's what Uber Alles means. If David Duke thinks they're allies, then he's wrong. He's the means to an end. Italy thought that at the beginning of the war, so did Russia.
The last time America was "great" we fought Nazis. If Goldfinger thinks tolerating intolerance, and there's 2 sides to this issue. Well, we already knew he was full of shit, but we didn't chose this quarter. 0 Tolerance, the Nazis did.
The NRA are so busy protecting their Right to Bear Arms, they skipped right past the part about Militias, Safety, Security, and a Free State. Look.
Nazis. Where were the good guys with guns? Isn't that what they're there for? Where were the militias when Nazis marched down the street, 117 miles from the Capital Building? They can't protect schoolkids from lone gunmen, but if you can't see the Enemy, carrying that flag, and the fucking HIPPIES have to fight Nazis armed on our streets, then what do you need those guns fer, Obediah?
If you tolerate Nazi Sympathizers, you don't even have to be racist. You can just stand bye, and let it happen.
Until they come for you.