The Wheel of Time series on Amazon Prime. I read the books a while ago, and besides The Sword of Truth series, it is my favorite fantasy fiction series. I try to stay away from movie and TV adaptations because they always seem to fail miserably, but the previews looked promising and I thought I'd give it a try.
I will say that I am not fully disappointed with it, but there are some things that just bother me to no end. The one that I can not forgive is what they did to one of the lead characters Perrin.
In the book he is a blacksmith apprentice, but in the show he runs the forge with his wife... he is supposed to be single and they make him that way, by having him accidentally kill his wife. I HATE that. I love his character and the way his story unfolds, and to start him out like that is a tur punch to me.
Dispire that, it is actually quite enjoyable. Names, places, and powers are the same, and the show follows the same path as the books, but the story is quite different in how it's told...
I'm going to keep watching and I hope it redeems itself for the Perrin atrocity before then end of season one.