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Asshole/Asshelmet With A Gun

Athos_131 · 20981

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Reply #360 on: September 28, 2019, 07:31:46 AM
LOL, well it's not the "Left Wing Extremists," who're shooting up schools for attention.

Offline Gunnerman19

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Reply #361 on: September 28, 2019, 08:40:32 AM
Psiberzerker-makes talk like you care about the children who’ve die yet you honor them with dipshittery...nice dipshit. Wouldn’t expect anything less from a dress wearing sissy boy. You lefties are all the same. See there’s plenty of people out there that see through your Bullshit and obnoxious stupidity and that’s why we have the President that we do. You speak tolerance yet have little for those who have a different view. You’ve already said that you sell you guns back yet why don’t you do it now if that will fix the problem. You’ll only do it if everyone has to and that shows your loyalty to the cause. Hahaha you and you little twisted thinking morons make me laugh. Hahaha lets blame it on the rich white guy...racist yet you think you are not the racists. Blame it on hate speach and stop others from having freedom of speach...yet you think your fighting fascism. Hahaha who are kidding...just yourselves and looking like complete fools while you do it. Hahaha the worlds not fair booo hooo. You say you fight against pediphilia yet you clam to be anarchist. I hate to think what would happen to more children things were as you would like to see them. You’re a fucking sick fuck. You’d rather a bunch of children be passed around the country instead of having a good chance of being with their parents the right way according to law that even you party chose. Hell you’d even rather have our children raped and murdered by illegals running around just so you lefties get another vote. You are all proof that you want to fuck this great country up worst then it ever has been. That’s you lie and bend the are cowards all the way through. Yeah you are scared and yeah fear plays a big part in your life. Easy to see and this is just a online forum. Doesn’t matter how much you deny it. Hahaha you’re at least good for a laugh.

Offline Lois

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Reply #362 on: September 28, 2019, 08:56:47 AM
I have no tolerance for stupidity when we need expertise. People who voted for Trump are fools.  No doubt they don't think we need pilots to fly airplanes either.

Trump is a buffoon who got where he is by inheriting a lot of money.  He kept his business private because no board of directors would have put up with him. Also, it would have forced him to make his bad business decisions public.

Offline Gunnerman19

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Reply #363 on: September 28, 2019, 10:07:52 AM
Lois-thank you for showing who the fools are with you dipshittery also. You prove he do is in this country is cause by your obnoxious stupidity. Good job dimwit

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Reply #364 on: September 28, 2019, 10:10:46 AM
You prove the divide in this country is caused by your obnoxious stupidity.


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Reply #365 on: September 28, 2019, 12:54:20 PM
Well, it's plain that further discussion isn't going anywhere.  Thanks for pretending to be civil, and rational for a while, anyway. 

Offline Lois

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Reply #366 on: September 29, 2019, 02:36:48 AM
You prove the divide in this country is caused by your obnoxious stupidity.


Who belived Putin over our own intellegence agencies?

Who belived North Korea over our own intellegence agencies?

Who belived Saudia Arabia over our own intellegence agencies?

Who withheld deffense funds from an ally for personal gain?

I've just proven Trump is a threat to our national security.

What have you proven?  That you voted for a rapist, a liar, and a buffoon?

What does that make you?


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Reply #367 on: September 29, 2019, 02:54:05 AM
Also, who believed that there were "Nice People" marching with Nazis, and the KKK?

Offline Gunnerman19

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Reply #368 on: September 29, 2019, 08:51:42 PM
Lois-man’s (and woman’s) hearts are not without flaws. You only hold those standard against him yet would have some else in there as bad or worse as what you think Trump is. You’re a fool and again with yet another post you prove it. Hahaha keep it coming dimwit

Offline Gunnerman19

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Reply #369 on: September 29, 2019, 08:53:48 PM
Psiberzerker-hahaha sounds like your lying yet again if you think I said that...dipshittery again. I would love for you to prove I said that sweetpea. Do share


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Reply #370 on: September 29, 2019, 09:00:19 PM
I was talking about Trump, not you.

Offline Lois

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Reply #371 on: September 30, 2019, 01:40:45 AM
Lois-man’s (and woman’s) hearts are not without flaws. You only hold those standard against him yet would have some else in there as bad or worse as what you think Trump is. You’re a fool and again with yet another post you prove it. Hahaha keep it coming dimwit

I agree we all have flaws.

However, Trump's flaws make him unsuitable to be POTUS.  He is a threat to our national security.

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Reply #372 on: January 11, 2020, 05:49:16 AM
Iran (assholes) shoot down (with a gun) Ukrainian airliner killing 176 innocent people including over 60 Canadians...come on Lois, ToeinH20...where’s the discussion on how Iran mistakenly shoots down this airliner that took off just minutes before? I mean holy shit where was Psi’s IFF...oh wait that only reserved for American military. That way the left can keep having shit to bitch about. Nancy Pelosi even blamed it on Trump too with this wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t take out Soleimani. We smoked his nasty ass and they fucked up on their own with their retaliation.
Right off the bat they said “we didn’t shoot it down”. They lied! Yet Lois you say they won’t trust us. Haha right...they shoot down innocent people and then lie about it. They are the ones that are not to be trusted.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2020, 05:55:55 AM by Gunnerman19 »

Offline knobslobber

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Reply #373 on: January 11, 2020, 09:36:27 AM
Keep in mind, this could be a mis-direction attempt by the Iranis. They learn a lot from us and we do it all the time.

Sometimes perfection can be... perfect hell.

Offline Gunnerman19

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Reply #374 on: January 11, 2020, 11:43:27 PM
Knobslobber- What do you think their slide of hand could be?
I don’t disagree with you right off but also add that we’ve heard don’t underestimate your enemy. Something I’ve learned also is don’t over-estimate your enemy either. A war with the USA gains Iran and it’s people nothing. Iran knows this, the people of Iran know this.

Offline Lois

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Reply #375 on: January 12, 2020, 12:34:54 AM
No one would readily accept guilt for such an act.  But now the investigation leaves no word for doubt, and they have admitted shooting down the airplane.

The Iranians are human just like us, and we've made plenty of mistakes.  It's a sign of maturity to admit when you've made a mistake.

Offline Gunnerman19

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Reply #376 on: January 12, 2020, 03:05:04 AM
Lois-That’s not how it was. If they were so quick to report that 30ish American soldiers had perished as a result of their air strike (which was bullshit and laughable) then they should’ve damn sure knew they blow an airliner out of the ski. Their supreme leader was even in the trigger room. There’s no slide of hand that those idiots can do that we wouldn’t catch. Clinton had a chance to take out Osama bin Laden only a few years before 9-11. Had he done so maybe we wouldn’t have had to go through what we have as a nation. President Trump understands that and made a good choice. This downed airliner is all on Iran.
There was evidence that the Ukrainian’s and others who are in Iran uncovered. This led to being able to figure out what happened. They tried hiding evidence after they lied. They continued to deny it. Even their own people are saying “what the fuck” in regards to their government dishonesty and mishandling of the crash debris.
Yes we have made mistakes, of course. It’s how you handle yourself after that makes the difference. A simple “sorry” doesn’t cut it. Yes the Iranian citizens are made up of many good people. Their government on the other hand and that supreme leader are made up of people who are not so good. Go ahead and back people who have said “Death to American and Death to Israel”. Back the President that gave them the money to buy the weapons used to strike the bases in Iraq and down that airliner full of innocent humans. That killed an American contractor as well as others. Go ahead and back the people that tried to storm the embassy and those that put them up to it. Yet have no respect for your fellow country men by continuing the false and bullshit idea that Iran and Soleimani didn’t have it coming. That President Trump acted correctly and lawfully while making the world or at least that part of it safer. If fact the people who voted him in office played a part in making things safer. Thank you to those people!
Are you and Jeb just that scared of Iran to have your country’s back? Oh wait no you are scared of the President, that’s right my bad.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 05:45:39 AM by Gunnerman19 »

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Reply #377 on: March 09, 2020, 10:41:08 AM
East Cleveland experienced a 'dust-up' at a "Dive Bar" which doubles as a Motorcycle Clubhouse, for one of the groups of bikers engaged in the dust-up.

Dust-up in East Cleveland works out to one dead on the scene, and 17 others shot and wounded, taken to area Hospitals by other attendees at the Dive Bar.

The club has a No Guns Rule, which is enforced by individual body searches at the door, upon entry. No mention in the story about Cleveland's gun policy... which would indicate is the typical Democrat City Controlled 'Gun Free City', methinks.

No national news story here, of course... move along, nothing to see here...

The Lyfer's Clubhouse has an event planed tonight, to honor "Shonuff", who is
billed as one "Lee Dickson, born November 12, 1971 - died March 7, 2020".

We shall all miss him, no doubt.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

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Reply #378 on: May 15, 2020, 05:14:24 PM
This image appeared in the UK press recently. WTF has he got on his back - a fucking bazooka :emot_weird:  :o  :emot_weird: :o :emot_weird:

Princess, would you like to see it light up and hum when I wave it about


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Reply #379 on: May 15, 2020, 05:40:42 PM
This image appeared in the UK press recently. WTF has he got on his back - a fucking bazooka :emot_weird:  :o  :emot_weird: :o :emot_weird:

If you zoom in you'll see a fancy word called "inert" on it which is of course left out of the story.

Despite what foreigners think we do not walk around carrying fuckin' miniguns to pick up some chocolate milk. Unless you have all the legal permits walking around with shit like that is probably gonna get you suicided by cop.