I’m talking about basic firearm knowledge, safety, and operation. Leave out the shooting or limit it. Now as an elective I would say have a marksmanship team that focuses on fundamental of accurate shot placement. I don’t think there is any reason for students to be soldiers even at high school level.
I also completely agree that the firearm(s) and the child are the responsibility of the parents. Couldn’t agree more with that.
Well, here's where there's room for discussion, we agree that Education is key, across the board for Second Amendment Rights. Even when it comes to the "Overthrow Tyranny" purpose. The government need not fear an Armed populance, but Armed, Trained, and Disciplined?
I'm not talking about making them Soldiers either, but part of it should be Firearm Fitness. A lower impact form of the Kasarda Drill (Let's say 20lb kettelbel for boys, and 12lb for girls? 16 YO Juniors.) Target shooting is okay, for what it is. However, it's not very Practical when it comes to Defense. Self Defense, home defense, school defense, state defense, or National defense.
Kasarda Drills won't make you a Soldier, any more than it will train the spree shooters of tomorrow. It just ensures that 1: They can Handle a rifle. Not just set it up on a Table. 2: They can Carry a rifle, safely, even if they have to Run. 3: They can go Prone, and get back up with a rifle. SAFELY. 4: They can shoot under stress, because if you HAVE to Shoot. It's going to be under stress. It's not going to be safe targets that don't move, and shoot back.
Finally, it's Scorable. (On the clock.) I'd also have target shooting, and Bowling Pin. That kind of stuff, but it's a SPORT. Not a toy.
Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.