You really should sit back and read what you type and ask yourself is this helping my argument or hurting it before you hit post.
This might be the source of some of the misunderstanding:
I'm not arguing with you. Either way, I'm not trying to win a fight here. We can discuss the concepts of conflict, without giving in to conflict, as long as neither one of us trys too hard to "Win" the internet.
The prize is an interesting conversation, and we can both have it. Also, I wouldn't limit it to Sun Tsu, Musashi, and Machiavelli also had some interesting points. Hell, so did Zoaster, and Santayana, if you'd like to talk about it, like a rational human being.
Also, if you think before you post, then why are you Triple posting? There's no roolz against it, but it's not a great sign of someone who thinks their "Argument" through, then replies.