A Ass-helmet/Asshole with a gun. Soon to be a
Former Asshole with a gun, I expect. Which Reverend
will get on scene, on Camera, first, one wonders.
By Sunrise, at least one, maybe two valued Parking
Places will be appropriated for a Whisky Bottle and
Candle and rain drenched stuffed animal Memorial to
the criminal(s). Hope they kill enough of the thugs for
the Multiple Parking Space appropriation kind of Memorial.
Some Alderman or Reverend or both, will suggest the
City squander some millions on a investigation, before
the bodies are cold, a blue ribbon commission.
Somehow will be Trumps fault, on CNN for sure.
A Obama supporter, 99.8% chance...
Not a Trump Voter, 100% chance...
Will have more such at his funeral, Obama supporters,
Reverends, CNN, MSNBC, other leftist Media, no doubt.
City of Brotherly Love, attacking the Police in this heavily
Gun Controlled Democrat City. Need to destroy their family
homes, when they kill him and whoever is with him.
Of course, will not turn out to have 'owned' a home, likely.
Just another day in another Democrat controlled city. Yup.
Only counts as Mass Murder if the shooter kills 4+, right...