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Racism is alive and well, Thanks Trump and his supporters!

Athos_131 · 76349

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #1500 on: August 14, 2019, 04:53:57 AM
Canadians are not eligible for Welfare in the U.S., for subsidized housing and school breakfast, and school lunch, even when school may be not in session in some jurisdictions... any eligibility for benefits is a State issue in any case.

Undocumented, and not legal immigrant persons, have limits on what they may and certainly what they should be able to 'get' as to Free Stuff.

Immigration laws have specifically limited items, such as work permits, for those affected. That has been the case for many years, and is the case today.

Color is not the factor at all. Those who comply with immigration law should be treated differently than those who do not comply with immigration law. Simple.

You may, as a U.S. Citizen, contribute via the IRS whatever added amount of money you may wish to contribute, should that be your desire, under existing rules and law, and are encouraged to do exactly that. Or, you may contribute any amounts you desire to volunteer, charity organizations who cater to those you wish to receive your largess. It is your right to do so. Please do.

Emma Lazarus wrote a poem, which then was posted at the Statue of Liberty.

Yes, and it is a classic, you can't just rewrite for your politics.  any more than you can re-write "God Bless America" so say anything other than what it was written to say, without shitting on the original artist.

The two are unrelated events, and Emma Lazarus spoke for herself, not law.

And yet, the Statue is a symbol of Liberty, and a beacon for Immigrants, yearning to breathe free.  Not a watch-tower to light the way for sharp-shooters to pick people off trying to get in, and not a Lighthouse to warn people to stay the fuck out.  We welcome immigrants, we're America, that's what we do, it's what we have always done.

Nobody's calling it "Law," it is a symbol of our American identity, the spirit of the USA, that is under attack by your white nationalists.

Open borders and the Welfare State are incompatible, obviously.

No, obviously you can't just state that as fact, when "Welfare" saved America from the Great Depression, and we still have an open Northern Border, as we always have, and it's not considered a threat to our Nation, because Canadians are white.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #1501 on: August 14, 2019, 05:06:54 AM
Canadians are not eligible for Welfare in the U.S.

I mentioned the OPEN BORDER with Canada, not the Lend-Lease program, for example.

Undocumented, and not legal immigrant persons, have limits on what they may and certainly what they should be able to 'get' as to Free Stuff.

2 different things:  You want to talk about "Welfare?"  We can talk about that, but I was talking about IMMIGRATION, and the Statue of Liberty.  Nobody's suggesting "Free stuff" for Mexican Immigrants.  Try to focus.

Color is not the factor at all. Those who comply with immigration law should be treated differently than those who do not comply with immigration law.

Then why aren't there children separated from their families, and detained in North Dakota?  That's an open border, what we have on the southern border is not, by any stretch of the imagination "Open."

If "Color is not a factor," then explain to me why people are being shot in the Rio Grande, and people can buy cigarettes in America, transport them to Canada, buy Whiskey in Canada, and sell it in America, making a profit every time?  That's an OPEN BORDER.  If we can't afford an open border, then why aren't you upset about the one that is wide fucking open, and yet you are so concerned about the one that is locked the fuck down?


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Reply #1502 on: August 14, 2019, 05:16:23 AM
Mexicans come here to work, not for Welfare.  Canadians come down here for lower taxes on thing like tobacco.  Americans go to Canada for things like insurance free healthcare, and go to Cancun for fun in the sun.

There is no "Welfare State."  We have the largest cheese surplus in US history right now, and it's going to rot, uneaten, because your anti-socialists don't know what to do with it.  Our roads are crumbling, our power grid is collapsing, and you're blaming the people, the workers that could help fix it.  Instead of the economic sanctions, and government waste on witch-hunting immigrants that is destroying our economy.

While we're at it, we might as well tear down that statue, and sell the copper for pennies.  
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 05:22:40 AM by psiberzerker »

Offline Lois

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Reply #1503 on: August 14, 2019, 05:17:48 AM
Except that the poem on the Statue of liberty was hung with the permission of the National Park Service, part of the US government.  I daresay permission would not have been given if it did not have the permission of the Administration at the time.  It could also have been taken down if We The People didn't like it.

Furthermore, these changes target imigrants that are here LEGALLY.  It talks of taking away that legal status if they use the government safety net to which they are entitled.  And yes I say ENTITLED.  Legal Permanent Residents cannot qualify for food stamps or medical assistance uless they have 40 quarters of working (aka paying income taxes for 10 years) in the USA.

Legal Permanent Residents also have children that are nearly always US citizens.  Is it right to put their parents in a situation where they have to choose between seeking nutrition assistance or medical assistance for their children when they need it?  Would you see US citizens go hungry just because of their parent's LPR status?

And say these parents do loose their legal status and are returned home, what of these US citizen children?  If they return with their parents to their country of orgin, they remain US citizens.  US citizens that may return when they become adults, not able to speak the English language and perhaps without an education. 

Let's face it, this is a racist proposal, because the people that would most be harmed by this will be those that have nothing and came to the USA for a better life.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #1504 on: August 14, 2019, 07:18:59 AM
 Yes, the regulations under discussion have been there, just are being more clearly defined, as to what/who is a "charge", under the current meaning of our long standing Immigration Law.

  The 'clarification' will inspire self sufficiency, and the pride of 'pulling themselves up by the bootstraps' that our Nation takes such pride in noting, from Immigrants past. The new, will follow in their footsteps.

  How noble, eh? I am so glad we are able to clear all that up for all.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #1505 on: August 14, 2019, 07:55:39 AM
I am so glad we are able to clear all that up for all.

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back there, toots.

Still haven't said a damned thing about our open border, and all the undocumented immigrants we have her that aren't "Mexican." 

You're willing to defend those who stand against all things are American.  You're not even creative enough to be a white nationalist yourself, you just blindly follow them.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1506 on: August 14, 2019, 12:23:23 PM
For someone who claims racism doesn't exist, Yellow Wall spends a lot of time defending it.


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Reply #1507 on: August 14, 2019, 03:01:51 PM
For someone who claims racism doesn't exist, Yellow Wall spends a lot of time defending it.

We confront her, to face it fairly regularly, but it's like a lot of her delusions.  Something that's indefensible, so she pretends that it's not there at all.

Obviously, racism exists.  Men do abuse their power to sexually harass, and  assault women, but admitting that means doubting the assumptions that underpin her whole worldview, and political identity.

So, admitting it means doubting, even for a second that the politicians she trusted might have not told the about something even once, and she just can't accept that.

Offline Lois

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Reply #1508 on: August 14, 2019, 04:24:11 PM
A lot of people came here before there were any safety nets in place.  They simply went hungry and many died of disease.  We are better off now, all of us.  Yet Trump and his cronies want to go back to those awful times.

When children go hungry they can't learn very well and it can stunt their intellegence.  This hurts all of us.


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Reply #1509 on: August 14, 2019, 04:48:05 PM
When children get locked up, for being born American, but having criminalized parents, it's more than a little sad.  It's a national tragedy to me. 

A lot of the immigrants went hungry where they were before, and faced a lot of hardships to get here, in the hopes of a better life.

If we make America great, we can't be surprised when everyone wants to be American.  We just do what we can to make those dreams a reality.

Offline joan1984

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Reply #1510 on: August 14, 2019, 06:49:42 PM
Write to Nancy Pelosi and ask for a 'new' keyword, or three, please.

Does racism exist, sure. Has is been an issue in the past, yes. Are some more likely to encounter it, depends a lot on how they live, where they live, and how they carry themselves, I suppose.

Is it a good 'catchall' boogeyman to blame for all that is wrong? NO.

The handful of Nazi or other outcasts who dress like a 'wannabe' badguy, is just that, a handful, relative to the civil population. When they break laws, we need to arrest and prosecute, and get the scum off the street of civil society.

Do racists vote? Who cares. The number of such people is minimal in the US.
Same with the left wing Democrat army of activists like Antifa. When they break the law, they need to be captured, charged, and jailed, and removed from the civil community.

Same with criminals of all stripes, including especially those using firearms, brandishing illegally or actually shooting people with the firearms. They warrant severe capture, arrest, prosecution, and removal from civil society, no matter who the perpetrator may be. Do the criminals vote? Who cares?

When politicians "care" about the votes of miscreants and criminals, to the degree they promote and insert into law complicating factors to prohibit the law being fully enforced.. yet seek new, more specific, more onerous laws, as a way to remain in the 'news' and hopeful to raise money, these weasels need to be called out on their actions, and arrested, charged and jailed, to remove them from the civil community.

Using 'racism', 'racist', 'supremacy' and such as a pejorative 'charge' daily and frequently, to gain attention and stay in the "news" should be met with slander charges. Abuse of the language, for lack of a 'worse' pejorative to gain some traction, should be criminal in itself.

The Democrats and Leftist Media have stolen nearly 3 years of the Presidency by inference and slander, and endless wailing, thwarting the civil transfer of power to which the Nation is entitled, and due. Meanwhile, the false idea they hope to transfer that these politicians are doing their constituents bidding, while they squander opportunity to affect actual community life via agreement and legislation on 'infrastructure' and 'border security' is sad.

I am so glad we are able to clear all that up for all.

Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back there, toots.

Still haven't said a damned thing about our open border, and all the undocumented immigrants we have her that aren't "Mexican."  

You're willing to defend those who stand against all things are American.  You're not even creative enough to be a white nationalist yourself, you just blindly follow them.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #1511 on: August 14, 2019, 07:44:13 PM
Write to Nancy Pelosi and ask for a 'new' keyword, or three, please.

Please.  I have more than enough words of my own, as a writer.  Nice try at condesention, though.

Are some more likely to encounter it, depends a lot on how they live, where they live, and how they carry themselves, I suppose.

It also depends on how Vulnerable they are.  Poor citizens have less to fight with, so your Urbane hipster black, latin, and asian Americans that live in developed liberal neighborhoods are more resistant to it than migrant farmers working in rural areas for land-owners who speak English.  Or ghetto denizens who can't call the police, for fear of matching the description they gave to the 9-11 operator, if it happens to be black-on-black crime.

Wipepo don't have to worry about taking off their hooded sweatshirts, if they call the cops on another white guy, in a hooded sweatshirt, because the police are BOLOed to look for a suspect in blue jeans, and a grey sweatshirt.  We're talking about Institutional Racism, here.  At least, that's the point I'm trying to get across, white racism deniers have the privilege of overlooking these things, because you don;t have to worry about looking like a criminal, being stopped and frisked, or anyone demanding your green card.  It's easy to deny racism in the highest levels of government, when you've never experienced it in your own home.

Is it a good 'catchall' boogeyman to blame for all that is wrong? NO.

You're the only one that's even suggesting that.  The title of this thread starts with the word RACISM.  So, what would you have us talk about, cooking with edible flowers?

The handful of Nazi or other outcasts who dress like a 'wannabe' badguy, is just that, a handful, relative to the civil population.

You denied even something as blatant, and proudly racist as marching down the streets of Charlottesville with schwasticas, and called Anti-fa "Fascists."  

When they break laws, we need to arrest and prosecute, and get the scum off the street of civil society.

You want direct quotes, in yellow of you outright, explicitly stating that?  Because it wouldn't be any trouble at all for me or Athos_131 to provide, in spite of the fact that you refuse to ever back up any of your accusations with a shred of evidence.

Do racists vote? Who cares?

We care about the ones IN OFFICE.  So yeah, they vote.  they voted a president into office, as political backlash for having half a black president.

Same with the left wing Democrat army of activists like Antifa.

Thanks for saving Athos and I the trouble.  The left wing hasn't committed a single mass shooting, nor burned a single ethnic place of worship down, with the congregations inside it.  Nobody has assassinated doctors, nor blown up clinics for the right to Chose, either.  False equivalency, until you can provide 1 instance of anyone being murdered by a left wind extremist, the burden of proof is on you to substantiate that false equivalency.  There is no Liberal KKK.  There are no Democratic Nazis.  You'll have to show 1 time that "Leftists" have ever opened fire on federal agents, and innocent bystanders, including journalists (Who recorded it) barricaded either in their pedophile compounds, or from behind jersey barriers.  We're not the ones hosing down first nations on their own tribal lands in winter, either.

If you're sick and tired of us peaceably protesting racial violence, then do something about the white supremacists, instead of denying that it's that bad.  It's literally all ^that^ bad.

When they break the law, they need to be captured, charged, and jailed, and removed from the civil community.

We'll never know until they actually start committing mass murders, jailing children, and marching armed down our streets.

Same with criminals of all stripes, including especially those using firearms, brandishing illegally or actually shooting people with the firearms.

Those are all conservatives.  Prove me wrong.  

Do the criminals vote? Who cares?

This repetition belies your affected apathy.

When politicians "care" about the votes of miscreants and criminals,

You want the tweets?  We can get those too.  the videos from Fox News, the Breitbart articles on illegals skewing the California elections, these are all your talking points, not our's.  The liberals are not using these talking points, you are.

Abuse of the language, for lack of a 'worse' pejorative to gain some traction, should be criminal in itself.

The first amendment.  Read it.  Also, the 4th, 5th and 9th, while you're at it.

I'm just not going to bother reading the rest of this gobbledygook.  The record is already starting to skip...
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 07:57:19 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline joan1984

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Reply #1512 on: August 14, 2019, 08:57:21 PM
 Choosing, then restating what I did not say, or picking out of context what I did say, while typical for you and others here, who trained you well, seems, does not make your slander true.

  When I spoke of criminals, my meaning is just what it says, criminals, breaking the law (not only murdering your favorite protected classes). Chicago on a routine weekend will have about 50 shootings, with 5 to 8 who are killed in the process.

Where are the 50+ arrests of the 'shooter(s)' and the added 100 minimum arrested abettors, lookouts, and other gang bangers who helped, or whose shots did not hit their targets that weekend? Such violence does not meet your select 'MASS SHOOTER' profile, and is in a Dem Controlled for decades city, with strict gun laws, so it is inconvenient to include this mostly Black on Black crime.. yet you mention that 'folk' don't call 911 from 'the hood' for fear of the Police arresting the caller, who may fit the description given on the phone.

Charlottesville was about, ostensibly, local citizens who wanted to retain the Lee and other statues perhaps, in their current places, and scheduled the demonstration to protest planned removal of Civil War Memorial Statues.
Good people are, continue to be, on both sides of that issue/discussion, to embrace Memorials to local history, or to relocate such edifices or destroy the statues even.  Those citizens are who the President's words referenced, both sides of the issue, regarding retention or removal of statues in a local park.

The cretins who arranged to use the scheduled protest, including KKK, Nazis, and others with 'alt-right' display motivations, AND troublesome anarchists attached themselves and planned a violent counter, in fact attacked other 'marchers' once the 'official' demonstration was cancelled by Police.

Actions of Police and local politicians, and some happenstance, perhaps, who's motivation has been questioned, but shouted down by leftist media/politicians, which 'allowed', some say 'facilitated' the mixing of the two violent groups of miscreants, will continue to be studied, and seeks honest airing, without much success as to getting the information to the general public.

A transcript of the Presidents statements on that Saturday, and again a day or so later, shows clearly his dislike of all hate groups, on both sides of the issue, and their actions, motives and such, specifically calling out Nazis and KKK folks, and while widely available, while made in front of the same 'journalists' whose Broadcast and Print employers chose to selectively edit, in order to further their (and largely, your) agenda, to claim President Trump was racist.

Continued pounding of this LIE, drawing from various past history of Trump prior to ever being in elected office, through the current time, when Biden and nearly every Democrat Primary Debate participant want to pile on, claiming racism by the President, is part of the systemic agenda you support, I think knowingly and willingly, which brings me to despise your support for such blatant disruption, and slander, with no hint of any harm to yourself, or them selves, from such LIES.

Former VP Biden, who thinks he was still in office when he had already been displaced from elected office, clearly knows his statements are LIES, knows the strategy employed by him and his colleagues on the Debate Stage are LIES, and is willing to say anything, the cause being to attack a sitting President, the truth be damned... facts be damned... the continuing attempt to deny the elected President the ability to effectively govern, by Democrats seemingly of all stripes, and by remaining RINO's in the Senate and House, the "Never Trump'ers" attempts to sabotage the peaceful transfer of office/power.

This particular President will not cower, or apologize, or drop the issue, and will press the case, say the unthinkable for a politician at times, and is able to keep attention on his statements, as a counter to the Fake News who seek to destroy him, and the Nation in the process.

Gloves are OFF, all around.

The Truth will come out broadly, so the regular people who Vote, can cast out the liars now debating, as untrustworthy, unworthy of their Votes. Ironically, the opposite of those leftists who seek to destroy the sitting President.

I fully expect enough Voters to see through the gang of 20 something vipers now before them as wannabe presidents, find them all wanting, and double down with the existing President, as being in their own interest, and their Nations best interest, and deliver him a reelection so he may make a meaningful difference.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 09:02:39 PM by joan1984 »

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #1513 on: August 14, 2019, 09:18:47 PM
 Choosing, then restating what I did not say, or picking out of context what I did say, while typical for you and others here, who trained you well, seems, does not make your slander true.

Libel.  In print, it's libel, and nobody here "Trained" me.

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Reply #1514 on: August 14, 2019, 09:36:53 PM
If I was going to train someone here, it probably would be Chirp or Indian Babe.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1515 on: August 14, 2019, 11:21:57 PM

Charlottesville was about, ostensibly, local citizens who wanted to retain the Lee and other statues perhaps, in their current places, and scheduled the demonstration to protest planned removal of Civil War Memorial Statues.

James Alex Fields Jr was from Ohio.

Jacob Scott Goodwin was from Arkansas.

Alex Michael Ramos was from Georgia.

Daniel Patrick Borden was from Ohio.

Tyler Watkins Davis was from Florida.


« Last Edit: August 14, 2019, 11:29:45 PM by Athos_131 »

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #1516 on: August 15, 2019, 12:25:40 AM
Be so selective, it seems your concern is not addressed?

The local folks who care about heritage, not erasing history,
  or have a different take, are the 'good people on both sides'
  and you know it. You have seen the transcript. You know the
  President did not make the racist statements you attribute to
  him, and virtually every wannabe Dem President knows better,
  and the truth be damned... gullible voters will believe anything
  we may say, especially with no checks by the Media who serve us.

You fucking troll.

Charlottesville was about, ostensibly, local citizens who wanted to retain the Lee and other statues perhaps, in their current places, and scheduled the demonstration to protest planned removal of Civil War Memorial Statues.

James Alex Fields Jr was from Ohio.

Jacob Scott Goodwin was from Arkansas.

Alex Michael Ramos was from Georgia.

Daniel Patrick Borden was from Ohio.

Tyler Watkins Davis was from Florida.


Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.


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Reply #1517 on: August 15, 2019, 12:27:58 AM
Be so selective, it seems your concern is not addressed?

Again, you care more about "Trespassers" and a shoplifter than mass murders, and government corruption at the highest levels (As long as it's Republicans who're corrupt.)

You fucking troll.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1518 on: August 15, 2019, 12:32:30 AM

You fucking troll.

Uh-oh, someone's pissed they are being exposed as a racist!

Let's do this.


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Reply #1519 on: August 15, 2019, 12:37:49 AM
At least Athos_131 is an intelligible troll, who posts sources.