Choosing, then restating what I did not say, or picking out of context what I did say, while typical for you and others here, who trained you well, seems, does not make your slander true.
When I spoke of criminals, my meaning is just what it says, criminals, breaking the law (not only murdering your favorite protected classes). Chicago on a routine weekend will have about 50 shootings, with 5 to 8 who are killed in the process.
Where are the 50+ arrests of the 'shooter(s)' and the added 100 minimum arrested abettors, lookouts, and other gang bangers who helped, or whose shots did not hit their targets that weekend? Such violence does not meet your select 'MASS SHOOTER' profile, and is in a Dem Controlled for decades city, with strict gun laws, so it is inconvenient to include this mostly Black on Black crime.. yet you mention that 'folk' don't call 911 from 'the hood' for fear of the Police arresting the caller, who may fit the description given on the phone.
Charlottesville was about, ostensibly, local citizens who wanted to retain the Lee and other statues perhaps, in their current places, and scheduled the demonstration to protest planned removal of Civil War Memorial Statues.
Good people are, continue to be, on both sides of that issue/discussion, to embrace Memorials to local history, or to relocate such edifices or destroy the statues even. Those citizens are who the President's words referenced, both sides of the issue, regarding retention or removal of statues in a local park.
The cretins who arranged to use the scheduled protest, including KKK, Nazis, and others with 'alt-right' display motivations, AND troublesome anarchists attached themselves and planned a violent counter, in fact attacked other 'marchers' once the 'official' demonstration was cancelled by Police.
Actions of Police and local politicians, and some happenstance, perhaps, who's motivation has been questioned, but shouted down by leftist media/politicians, which 'allowed', some say 'facilitated' the mixing of the two violent groups of miscreants, will continue to be studied, and seeks honest airing, without much success as to getting the information to the general public.
A transcript of the Presidents statements on that Saturday, and again a day or so later, shows clearly his dislike of all hate groups, on both sides of the issue, and their actions, motives and such, specifically calling out Nazis and KKK folks, and while widely available, while made in front of the same 'journalists' whose Broadcast and Print employers chose to selectively edit, in order to further their (and largely, your) agenda, to claim President Trump was racist.
Continued pounding of this LIE, drawing from various past history of Trump prior to ever being in elected office, through the current time, when Biden and nearly every Democrat Primary Debate participant want to pile on, claiming racism by the President, is part of the systemic agenda you support, I think knowingly and willingly, which brings me to despise your support for such blatant disruption, and slander, with no hint of any harm to yourself, or them selves, from such LIES.
Former VP Biden, who thinks he was still in office when he had already been displaced from elected office, clearly knows his statements are LIES, knows the strategy employed by him and his colleagues on the Debate Stage are LIES, and is willing to say anything, the cause being to attack a sitting President, the truth be damned... facts be damned... the continuing attempt to deny the elected President the ability to effectively govern, by Democrats seemingly of all stripes, and by remaining RINO's in the Senate and House, the "Never Trump'ers" attempts to sabotage the peaceful transfer of office/power.
This particular President will not cower, or apologize, or drop the issue, and will press the case, say the unthinkable for a politician at times, and is able to keep attention on his statements, as a counter to the Fake News who seek to destroy him, and the Nation in the process.
Gloves are OFF, all around.
The Truth will come out broadly, so the regular people who Vote, can cast out the liars now debating, as untrustworthy, unworthy of their Votes. Ironically, the opposite of those leftists who seek to destroy the sitting President.
I fully expect enough Voters to see through the gang of 20 something vipers now before them as wannabe presidents, find them all wanting, and double down with the existing President, as being in their own interest, and their Nations best interest, and deliver him a reelection so he may make a meaningful difference.