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Racism is alive and well, Thanks Trump and his supporters!

Athos_131 · 75497

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Offline joan1984

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Reply #1180 on: April 17, 2019, 03:02:03 AM
  Do the three black congregations 'miss' the tweets from their President and Vice President? Did the three 'tweet' about it? To whom?

I expect the three congregations have more class that to demand a Trump/Pence 'tweet'. Would imagine these folks have their hands full, working to recover worship spaces to continue their services, and giving thanks that the loss was not worse, such as among the congregation.

  Am sure President Trump and Vice President Pence will keep them in their daily prayers, in any event. The entire White House, especially Stephen Miller, who sends thoughts and prayers, of course. We all in Washington, DC send our thoughts and prayers, please be assured. We hope the source of the fires are found, and if arson, the criminals caught swiftly, and jailed a long time.

  Haters mock our President no matter what he and VP Pence have to say, one way or another, and The Washington Post is among the haters, if not out front of the other haters, consistently.

  By noting how the Post is consistently leading the haters, I do not mean to disparage 'present company', our well known hater, the OP. Thank you.


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Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1181 on: April 17, 2019, 03:05:00 AM
It took you 10 minutes to come up with that, racist?


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Reply #1182 on: April 17, 2019, 06:51:58 AM
Seemingly the only thing Trump or pence can do is thoughts and prayers.  A very lame response.

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Reply #1183 on: April 17, 2019, 01:38:40 PM
I thought it was interesting that he suggested putting it out with Airstrikes.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1184 on: April 17, 2019, 03:53:24 PM
White People Don’t Live in Flint or Puerto Rico, So President Sends Aid to France

Five years have gone by, some 1,825 days, since the people of Flint, Mich., were doomed to a life with no clean water, with no clear end in sight. (Nestle just pledged to continue providing bottled water for the town at least through August of this year.)

And it’s been more than 18 months since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, killing nearly 3,000 people, destroying much of the infrastructure and leaving much of the island U.S. territory still without adequate power.

It remains a struggle for both the people of Flint and Puerto Rico to get the federal funds needed to make full recoveries, and so it was on Tuesday, the day after flames ravaged France’s historic Notre Dame cathedral, some found irony in the speed with which the U.S. pledged to come through with cash to support efforts to rebuild the almost-1,000-year-old edifice.

They and many others (#Flint was trending much of the day on Twitter) were reacting to news announced by Donald Trump’s administration that the U.S. would be sending aid to France to assist in the rebuilding of Notre Dame.

According to the Hill, as White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders put it, the U.S. will offer “assistance in the rehabilitation of this irreplaceable symbol of Western civilization.”

On the same day, word came in that Flint was receiving a remaining $77.7 million in federal funding to assist in that community now almost five-year-long battle to again have clean water flowing through its taps.

But as MLive pointed out, rather than being new monies to help speed progress along:

The funds are from a $120 million federal and state loan granted to Flint in March 2017 by the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act of 2016. The funds support several Flint water infrastructure projects.

And as NPR reports, funding for Puerto Rico is at standstill due to infighting among federal lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

So, it would seem that critics aren’t so much questioning whether the U.S. should put dollars into remaking Notre Dame as much as voicing that old saying: Charity, or, in this case, taxpayer-funded legislative aid, should perhaps begin at home.


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Offline joan1984

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Reply #1185 on: April 17, 2019, 05:25:45 PM
"...On the same day, word came in that Flint was receiving a remaining $77.7 million in federal funding to assist in that community now almost five-year-long battle to again have clean water flowing through its taps..."

  So the leftist folks at TheRoot, and our KB Resistance just presume that 'free' drinking water for Flint for the past FIVE years, and continuing, and the 'same day' $77,700,000.00 in US Federal funding assistance payments, so far, is "nuttin'", "chump change"..., "...racists"...

  Residents in many Democrat controlled for decades cities, e.g. Washington, DC have purchased their own drinking water since Mayor Marion Barry's decade in Office, very long ago, with no end in sight. Are we compensated? NOT! Why?
Because municipal utilities are a State and Local matter, and our State/Local folks suck. Great at handing out Parking Tickets, Towing cars, not so good when it comes to day to day civil life here, and lots of places.

  One day 5 years ago, "some people did something", and moved from one water supply to a different water supply, and failed to add a solution so the new fresh, cleaner water supply did not begin to strip their filthy corroded old pipes of the filth and unspeakable items with which the old pipes were coated.

  Irony is the City of Flint made all the decisions, including to switch Rivers, and including to not add the protective solution to the 'new' water supply, as "Cost Savings Measures"... who's Fraternity brother was behind the pitch to the City to SAVE all that money? What does it matter, after all this time...

  Flint, MI residents need to increase their own Taxes, and fix their own water supply. What have they done with the $120,000,000.00 they 'borrowed', so far, that they are still without hope these 5 years later?

  Well, now they have at least $120 Million in borrowed Fed money, who knows how much of borrowed or granted State money, little to no Flint MI city money and no solution in view... have these folks been reelected in the past 5 years?
Oh, wait, they already spent all the Federal money and State money they got their hands on, and still nothing to be proud about? Hmmm.

  No Presidential Medal of Freedom for YOU, Flint, MI Politicians.
When Flint MI residents raise their own matching $120 Million, please get back to us about how they will just drink bottled water (they have not made plastic bottles illegal yet, have they? one never knows, with Dem Politicians, just asking) forever, paying out of each persons pocket, except for the usual suspects who 'know who they are' already, who get things 'free'...

  And stop bitching about life happening there. Paris will survive and fix Notre Dame at least. No worries about Paris. Flint will still be bitching about life TEN years from now over something. Pay your debts on time, should you expect to have to borrow more one day... please.

  Life happens.

Some people are like the 'slinky'. Not really good for much,
but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1186 on: April 17, 2019, 05:44:42 PM
"...On the same day, word came in that Flint was receiving a remaining $77.7 million in federal funding to assist in that community now almost five-year-long battle to again have clean water flowing through its taps..."

  So the leftist folks at TheRoot, and our KB Resistance just presume that 'free' drinking water for Flint for the past FIVE years, and continuing, and the 'same day' $77,700,000.00 in US Federal funding assistance payments, so far, is "nuttin'", "chump change"..., "...racists"...

  Residents in many Democrat controlled for decades cities, e.g. Washington, DC have purchased their own drinking water since Mayor Marion Barry's decade in Office, very long ago, with no end in sight. Are we compensated? NOT! Why?
Because municipal utilities are a State and Local matter, and our State/Local folks suck. Great at handing out Parking Tickets, Towing cars, not so good when it comes to day to day civil life here, and lots of places.

  One day 5 years ago, "some people did something", and moved from one water supply to a different water supply, and failed to add a solution so the new fresh, cleaner water supply did not begin to strip their filthy corroded old pipes of the filth and unspeakable items with which the old pipes were coated.

  Irony is the City of Flint made all the decisions, including to switch Rivers, and including to not add the protective solution to the 'new' water supply, as "Cost Savings Measures"... who's Fraternity brother was behind the pitch to the City to SAVE all that money? What does it matter, after all this time...

  Flint, MI residents need to increase their own Taxes, and fix their own water supply. What have they done with the $120,000,000.00 they 'borrowed', so far, that they are still without hope these 5 years later?

  Well, now they have at least $120 Million in borrowed Fed money, who knows how much of borrowed or granted State money, little to no Flint MI city money and no solution in view... have these folks been reelected in the past 5 years?
Oh, wait, they already spent all the Federal money and State money they got their hands on, and still nothing to be proud about? Hmmm.

  No Presidential Medal of Freedom for YOU, Flint, MI Politicians.
When Flint MI residents raise their own matching $120 Million, please get back to us about how they will just drink bottled water (they have not made plastic bottles illegal yet, have they? one never knows, with Dem Politicians, just asking) forever, paying out of each persons pocket, except for the usual suspects who 'know who they are' already, who get things 'free'...

  And stop bitching about life happening there. Paris will survive and fix Notre Dame at least. No worries about Paris. Flint will still be bitching about life TEN years from now over something. Pay your debts on time, should you expect to have to borrow more one day... please.

  Life happens.

As long as it ain't to wypipo, eh?

Yellow Wall likes seeing people die from a public utility killing them.


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Reply #1187 on: April 17, 2019, 05:47:46 PM
 So the leftist folks at TheRoot, and our KB Resistance just presume that 'free' drinking water for Flint for the past FIVE years, and continuing, and the 'same day' $77,700,000.00 in US Federal funding assistance payments, so far, is "nuttin'", "chump change"..., "...racists"...

No, we're calling the decision to divert the contaminated water from the White dominant communities to Flint an ecological disaster perpetrated by a died in the wool White Supremacist, with a Wildlife Refuge right down the river on the shores of Lake Shaiwassee.  

Of course, if you can't look past political affiliation (With the party, candidates, and leadership endorsed by the American Nazi Party, and the Klan) I don't expect you to look downstream, at the effects that this racially motivated attack, and attempted genocide has on the water table, after it leaves the taps.  You're to busy defending racists from being called Racists.

Residents in many Democrat controlled for decades cities, e.g. Washington, DC have purchased their own drinking water since Mayor Marion Barry's decade in Office, very long ago, with no end in sight. Are we compensated? NOT! Why?

Was Washington DC intentionally poisoned by Marion Barry?  Is the Potomac a toxic waste dump?  That's why.  We're talkning about FEMA here.  An unnatural, completely man-made disaster perpetrated by one man in power, against a community for being primarily Black, and living better than he thought they should.  That's why.  

Irony is the City of Flint made all the decisions, including to switch Rivers, and including to not add the protective solution to the 'new' water supply, as "Cost Savings Measures"...

Bullshit.  Complete, and utter bullshit, fabricated to fit the conclusion you want to prove.  For one thing, Rick Snyder was not ever a resident of Flint, and for another,  there isn't 2 rivers to chose from in Flint.  Look at a fucking map, the Flint river flows in, and the Reservoir is on the confluence of several creeks, where it has been for Decades.  (Since 1929, the dam was built as part of the New Deal)  The lead isn't in Kearsley Reservoir, and it hasn't contaminated the For-Mar Nature Preserve upstream on Kearsley Creek.  Therefore, it is NOT coming from that water supply, which you would know if you'd done any more research than the people at Faux News did for the past 5 years.  

 And stop bitching about life happening there. Paris will survive and fix Notre Dame at least.

Notre Dame will be fixed, over decades, due to the generous contributions of it's richest citizens.  What did one of our wealthiest citizens do for Notre Dame de Paris?  He sent a tweet, suggesting they hurry, and bomb the site with water.  

What did he do for Flint, Puerto Rico, New Orleans, New York for Sandy, or New York for the World Trade Center Attacks?  He tried to acquire Ground Zero at a discount, an undeniable Historic Site, to profit from the tragedy.  Then, he generously offered to "Borrow" Money to build a wall we already have.  Heavy Metal poisoning doesn't go away.  People will continue dying for decades in Flint, and everywhere downstream, possibly for Centuries.  That's why we're still talking about it:  The LEAD is STILL THERE.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 06:13:26 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline joan1984

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Reply #1188 on: April 17, 2019, 06:09:29 PM
  Please educate me, maybe more than me, as to exactly who this supposed White Racist is, the name please, and what elected position did he hold in Flint?

  My memory, which I have not refreshed on this topic, is that Flint, MI made a decision to use water from the Flint River, as opposed to whatever they used at the time, as a cost saving measure.

  Further, my memory is that water from that River was not an issue, but that the pH or whatever of the 'new' water, without an additive that was not used initially, caused debris lining the city pipes from years of use of their previous source, to dissolve, and contaminate the 'drinking' water at homes.

  How it happened exactly is not absolutely clear to me now, and I took it to be a cost saving with which Flint, MI politicians, elected officials, agreed prior to the switch... same for not using an additive to the water intake from he river.

  I do remember the hubbub and political fallout when a Republican won the Governor's Office, and was being singled out, with maybe some Tech at the Water Supply office, and lots of finger pointing in every direction except at any politician who was a Democrat, or who was an elected official in Flint, MI.

  No one is waiting for Flint MI to call, seems to me. Where is all the money they received from the State? And the $77,000,000 in Federal borrowed funds received prior to this week? Hope it has solved some problems, if not, where is it and how has it be squandered (too strong, ok... spent)...

  Why if no help so far, would an additional amount be borrowed by Flint, MI, to do exactly what, and who has signed contracts to supply the fix? Will this 'new' money be similarly spent, as has the rest of the $120,000,000 to date of Fed Loans?  Is Flint MI making any payment on the Fed Loans, so far? When will the repayment begin by law? So many questions.

  I presume if some racist single handedly decided to give people better water because they are white, and tricked the poor folk of Flint, MI into taking the filthy water from their own River, and pulled this switch with NO LOCAL input or knowledge, no local politicians involved at any stage, just 'surprise', eat this lead and stuff... that person would have already been tried, found guilty, and be serving time right now... yes?

  5 years ago, Donald J. Trump was not President.

  Does he have a Trump Hotel in Flint, MI, and was this all his idea?
Curious minds want to know. If not, then why would he have sent any tweets to Flint MI? Or is this whole concoction just more TDS by our usual 'suspect'.

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Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1189 on: April 17, 2019, 06:12:33 PM

including to switch Rivers

Stop lying.


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Reply #1190 on: April 17, 2019, 06:17:18 PM
 Please educate me, maybe more than me, as to exactly who this supposed White Racist is, the name please, and what elected position did he hold in Flint?[color]

Rick Snyder.  You want to blame the victims, so you're miopically focused on Flint, as the only possible place the choice could have been made.  Because the one we have Dead to Rights was Governor of the State of Michigan, and you know that.  You're not that ignorant, and playing Sealion isn't going to fool me.  (Arguably the resident Seal Lion.)  I know that trick, better than you, so you're going to have to try some other tactic than feigning ignorance.

5 Years Ago, Donald Trump cannot take credit for the disaster relief that Flint was promised, and still hasn't gotten.  Because of a Republican Majority in the Senate, House, and Michigan State government.  

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Reply #1191 on: April 17, 2019, 06:20:51 PM

including to switch Rivers

Stop lying.


Ok, if not 'rivers' then 'sources' is the word I could have used. Thank you.

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Reply #1192 on: April 17, 2019, 06:26:11 PM
Ok, if not 'rivers' then 'sources' is the word I could have used.

No, what you should have used was Google.  They didn't decide to switch "Sources" either.  More Specifically, Darnell Early (Who was also not a Resident) was appointed to "Handle" Flint's drought.  He made the decision to switch from the Reservoir to the River, not the people of Flint.  Prior to that, he was the Emergency Manager for the Detroit Sewage Department, and Detroit Public Schools.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 06:32:06 PM by psiberzerker »

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1193 on: April 17, 2019, 06:39:21 PM
Yellow Wall doesn't even truthfully give the facts of the issue in Flint, Michigan, yet tries to tell everyone how to fix them.

Running the Donald Trump playbook to perfection.


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Offline joan1984

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Reply #1194 on: April 17, 2019, 06:41:40 PM
Facts and not finger pointing would be refreshing.

Open a Flint MI thread that had nothing to do with Trump, please, or drop it.

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Offline Athos_131

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Reply #1195 on: April 17, 2019, 06:44:30 PM

Open a Flint MI thread that had nothing to do with Trump, please, or drop it.

God Damn you're dumb.


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Reply #1196 on: April 17, 2019, 06:45:16 PM
Facts and not finger pointing would be refreshing.

All else fails, blame your opponent for doing exactly what you're doing:  Not providing facts, nor Evidence.  Just accusing the people of Flint instead of the real culprits.

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Reply #1197 on: April 17, 2019, 09:45:54 PM
Joan misses the point.  The water in Flint is not safe to drink, so they have to buy potable water as bottled water, and pay an inflated price for it.

Folks in DC may buy bottled water out of preference, but not because their drinking water isn't safe.

Apples and oranges, dear Joan.

Joan is right about one thing, Trump is not responsible for the water issues in Flint.  That falls upon the Republican Governor who dismissed the Flint Mayor and City counsel and instituted his "money saving" policies.  He is also to blame for not raising taxes which Joan proposes as a solution.

As for Obama, he signed an emergency declaration under the Stafford Act, which allows for federal aid of up to $5 million to bolster state or local efforts to mitigate the water problems facing Flint.  This money has been put to good use in replacing the older lead pipes with non-lead ones.

Obama also signed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act in December 2016. The act provided $170 million for communities grappling with drinking water emergencies and Flint was specifically mentioned as an intended recipient. The Environmental Protection Agency officially awarded Flint $100 million of the WIIN-authorized funding in March 2017, then under the Trump administration, to help fund water infrastructure replacements and upgrades.

Trump also signed legislation to help deal with Flint's problems. America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018, provided $6billion to deal with specific water issues primarily in Flint and in Florida.

Of course the EPA under both administrations has also spent money to aleviate the situation.

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Reply #1198 on: April 17, 2019, 10:25:17 PM
Trump is not responsible for the water issues in Flint.

Fine, he didn't make the decision.  However, he chose to be in charge.  That does not absolve him of responsibility for taking care of domestic issues over a church in a foreign country.

Trump is the best example anyone will ever have of the Peter Principle.


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Offline joan1984

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Reply #1199 on: April 17, 2019, 11:59:49 PM
Thank you, Lois.

Good to know our government has been involved, heavily involved to the tune of Millions, then continuing EPA money to address Flint.

I must have missed our #resistance post(s), regarding President Trump signing the 2018 measure to benefit Flint, MI and other areas having issues.

Paris, tweet or not, comes under "walk and chew gum " as to the need to address more than one issue at a time, as issues arise; not a racism issue, Paris and the French Government owned Cathedral at Notre Dame.

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but they bring a smile to your face as they fall down stairs.