Please educate me, maybe more than me, as to exactly who this supposed White Racist is, the name please, and what elected position did he hold in Flint?
My memory, which I have not refreshed on this topic, is that Flint, MI made a decision to use water from the Flint River, as opposed to whatever they used at the time, as a cost saving measure.
Further, my memory is that water from that River was not an issue, but that the pH or whatever of the 'new' water, without an additive that was not used initially, caused debris lining the city pipes from years of use of their previous source, to dissolve, and contaminate the 'drinking' water at homes.
How it happened exactly is not absolutely clear to me now, and I took it to be a cost saving with which Flint, MI politicians, elected officials, agreed prior to the switch... same for not using an additive to the water intake from he river.
I do remember the hubbub and political fallout when a Republican won the Governor's Office, and was being singled out, with maybe some Tech at the Water Supply office, and lots of finger pointing in every direction except at any politician who was a Democrat, or who was an elected official in Flint, MI.
No one is waiting for Flint MI to call, seems to me. Where is all the money they received from the State? And the $77,000,000 in Federal borrowed funds received prior to this week? Hope it has solved some problems, if not, where is it and how has it be squandered (too strong, ok... spent)...
Why if no help so far, would an additional amount be borrowed by Flint, MI, to do exactly what, and who has signed contracts to supply the fix? Will this 'new' money be similarly spent, as has the rest of the $120,000,000 to date of Fed Loans? Is Flint MI making any payment on the Fed Loans, so far? When will the repayment begin by law? So many questions.
I presume if some racist single handedly decided to give people better water because they are white, and tricked the poor folk of Flint, MI into taking the filthy water from their own River, and pulled this switch with NO LOCAL input or knowledge, no local politicians involved at any stage, just 'surprise', eat this lead and stuff... that person would have already been tried, found guilty, and be serving time right now... yes?
5 years ago, Donald J. Trump was not President.
Does he have a Trump Hotel in Flint, MI, and was this all his idea?
Curious minds want to know. If not, then why would he have sent any tweets to Flint MI? Or is this whole concoction just more TDS by our usual 'suspect'.