There is a lot wrong with the world, and the country, and I see the #whatabout dialog, which often is cast as a way to turn the conversation elsewhere, rather than to open additional conversations.
Illegal activity is of concern wherever it occurs. Canadians forming gigantic caravans and herding their young children across farmland and woodlands, in order to fulfill some technical legislative loophole that will let them stay in our Nation, for whatever length of time, to learn how to speak English (from French, for instance), to make them wards of the State forever, and then to honor 'the children' after some time and bring in their entire extended family from grinding Canadian poverty, carrying whatever sickness or plague, whatever, just dump it here... except, that is not happening so much today.
Bleeding; Breathing; Poison; Shock... Ropefiend knows where this is going, no doubt... one must prioritize, and put the first and maximum efforts where the trouble is greatest, and the urgency demands action NOW...
Such a simple premise, to construct a barrier which by itself is so formidable as to discourage extended foot and vehicle travel, seeking a way over it, and under it, and through it, with whatever contraband a criminal wishes to bypass legal entry to our Nation. Build a effective, fully effective, WALL, to slow down and allow the flood of those seeking entry into the United States, across the Southern Border where the NEED is URGENT, so all enter legitimately.
Are there other solutions? Of course. Should we prevent travel in remote areas of the Border by placing effective preventative measures such as is done at many nations borders? Mines and other forms of deadly response?
Whatever becomes necessary to gain control and STOP unauthorized entry, is where we need to go. Either we have borders or we do not have borders. Very simple, actually, and worth extreme efforts to control and enforce, and prevent unauthorized, unwanted, illegal trespass entirely. One giant step at a time, until it is done.
Canada as a porous border may not be overlooked, far from it, and I trust we are expending the necessary time and attention to maintain control over all unauthorized entry, trespass by anyone without authorization. This is not an extreme position, it is a natural and reasonable position.
People live in homes or apartment buildings, with doors, and people lock said doors, so as to have some assurance of control of entry to those authorized. In a less safe, more hostile environment, such as in my City, Washington, DC, we pay for and maintain metal bars or grates on accessible windows, skylights, and doors, for the same reason. We add lighting, in an attempt to shame away those who would dawdle, seeking to find unauthorized entry in less street visible areas, alley ways, rooftops, and so forth. We add NOISE alarms for the same reason, to shame away such who may be tempted to break the law, and make unauthorized entry, and then who knows what mayhem may be planned.
Further we employ security measures, beyond the Alarms and Bars/Gates, Lights, and to that end, we maintain a large, 24/7 presence of Police Officers, for good measure. The District of Columbia has at least 28 different armed Police Organizations within the 7 Square Mile footprint of my city.
DC is a nice town... imagine living where it is less nice... It would be intolerable without taking the steps and precautions we individually take here, to make our life least filled with drama, by those living and passing around us.
So, yes, I am aware of problems, and in the case of defending our Southern Border, the solutions are many, and ALL need to be put into place, the WALL being the most passive, neutral, non-confrontational, un-race-related solution of the bunch. The wall simply makes seemingly futile the effort it takes to pass in some manner other than the intended legal ports of entry.
We can and hopefully do, and I support doing, all the additional items that make sense so the Country may contain and have knowledge of all residents.
People who are not here as 'authorized' need to be removed, sent elsewhere, in a humane and not costly manner, and the WALL, along with additional expensive prevention methods and systems, can hopefully maintain entry for any who enter to be with authorization. Period.