Actually you’re now understanding my point, but possibly still not sure it was my point?
At first, I was trying to add to, and clarify that point, not argue against it. In the misunderstanding, you seemed to get defensive, but to clarify: Not all of us thought that, I can only speek for myself, but I don't have a horse in this race.
Trump is symbolic of the problem (Mindless opposition) but also to me the solution: A mistake so insane we may be able to learn from him, after he collapses this political structure while bot sides are blaming each other for causing it.
On yet another axis, he's also spearheading (Or standard bearing, so he can take credit for everything) the efforts to deny me citizenship. Along with Mexicans, Blacks, Women, non-christians, ironically Socialists, and Liberals. As a transperson, I'm basically being swept under the rug, so that the only rights legally allowable with regards to transpeople is to discriminate against us. We can't admit we exist, and yet it's specifically legal for Businesses to descriminate us, to spare them the expense of a couple bathroom signs. (Basically, the Wheelchair bound have more access than us.)
However, on the other end of that Axis, he's ignorantly working toward destroying the country I would be a citizen of, if I existed. Eventually, through shear mismanagement, I'll get my equality as soon as Nobody is a citizen of America, because It no longer exists. My only worry is that the American National Socialist Party will have enough Power due to the government's negligent incompetence that they will be able to fill that power gap, and declare the 5th Reich before I can build a Technocracy. As is my plan.
fortunately, nobody understands my plan well enough to thwart it. It's too Rational, and involves too many factors for any of you to anticipate with your 1 track black, and white mentalities.