Never mind. It's not just IrishGirl. It's partisan politics in general. None of you can look past your own dogma, about liberals, and conservatives long enough to see the real people, really getting hurt, because it's all Their fault. Of course, we're never fucking wrong, it's all them, when this conflict Is the problem. It's how Trump got elected in the first place, you care more about who says what than what gets done, or what gets left undone, because you're too busy bickering about who to blame to do anything about it.
If he'd yelled "FIRE!" would it have mattered if he was a democrat, republican, libertarian or anarchist to the people getting trampled by everyone running for the exits? Okay, then the fact that it was that fucking racist, changes the meaning of the party afiliation, on the assumption that only Trump followers are racists? There's no racists that aren't against Trump?
It doesn't FUCKING MATTER whether it's a liberal, or a conservative. It's wrong, either way, and the party affiliation of the offender has fuckall to do with their party ticket when they commit a hate crime. If an Antifake punches a Jew, mistaking them for a Nazi because they're at the same march, and forgot to wear the Antifa uniform, or a Star of David on his lapel. It's still a hate crime, even if they're obstensibly on the same side. Dumbasses. I'm done. Have fun telling each other what everyone is thinking, I'll just stick to writing sex stories.