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Racism is alive and well, Thanks Trump and his supporters!

Athos_131 · 75719

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Reply #540 on: May 17, 2018, 04:49:20 PM

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Reply #541 on: May 17, 2018, 05:01:42 PM

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Reply #542 on: May 17, 2018, 05:10:35 PM

I feel compelled to point out that the Nazi in this animation isn't just a white man.  He's a talking head, in a suit, with a douchebang.  He's a Hipster Nazi.

One of the greatest tools of covert white supremacy is Gentrification.  Raising property values, so the "Undesirables" can't afford to life there, building housing projects (We even call them "Ghettoes") for them to live, and in America, basing school funding on Property Values.

So, his children get a better education, his neighbor's kids get to go to college, and they maintain the legitimacy to draw voting lines.  That's how it always has been done here, and it's getting worse in the current regime.  The Clown in Chief is taking so much attention, that his Secretary against Education has free-reign to teach an entire generation the ideology.

Betsy DeVos, maven of Amway, and champion for Home Schooling (For those who can afford in home childcare, and the best tutors) is indoctrinating your children.  Directly.

Now that Darth Breitbart has been discredited, she's rapidly becoming this Reich's Goebbels.

"Get them when they're young."  ~P. T. Barnum.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 09:04:01 PM by psiberzerker »

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Reply #544 on: May 17, 2018, 05:31:44 PM
I just have to point out that "Trump and his supporters" includes Neo-Nazis, the Klan, Westbrorough Baptist Church, and virtually every White Supremacist organization in America. 

(Also, a once American organization, the NRA is becoming increasingly White Supremacist.)

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Reply #545 on: May 17, 2018, 07:13:40 PM

More to the point, the incidents in Charlottesville, VA, last summer were, and continue to be, perceived as indicative of the phenomenon under discussion:

First of all, thank you for that entire argument.

I'm not sure whether you did it on purpose or not, but your response precisely proves my point. So, thank you!

Nazis marching the streets 117 miles from the Capital Building seems indicative of the the problem, but let me reword the problem.

That was Tolerated.  "Tolerate intolerance" is the counter argument.  No, that's not how it works.  They weren't peacably assembled, they were Armed.  So, it was less the pictures of the protest/counter protest here than the reaction to it.  Specifically on the part of our Talking Head in Chief.

"Nazis marching the streets 117 miles from the Capital Building" seems indicative of only one thing. When you consider the fact that there were only 250 of them -- and that's by a liberal estimate -- and the fact that not all of the 250 were Nazis or neo-Nazis, this is indicative of the fact that racism, at least organized public racism, is dying, and that these marchers were outliers.

[I'm aware that this assertion doesn't fit the narrative, but in these days when facts, data, history, and clear-headed conclusions are considered practically irrelevant, the narrative will often persist despite facts, data, history, etc.]

You used the word "tolerated" in a different sense than I did. On the one hand, I agree that Nazis, neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and other assorted social reactionaries, marching peaceably and with a permit, should indeed be tolerated. In fact, if you truly believe in the 1st Amendment and Freedom of Speech, they should be supported. However, when these marchers break the law, in whatever regard, they have surrendered their right to march/protest, and they should be dealt with by law enforcement officials.

But I used the word "tolerated" in a completely different context. My point was that it is general social intolerance of racism, and especially overt, organized racism, that marginalizes groups like these, forces them underground, or, as in this instance, make them look like evil morons.

What the president says or believes couldn't be more irrelevant. The plain fact is that American society is moving forward, despite what the president says or believes. And yammering on social media is indicative of absolutely nothing. 

We do not tolerate intolerance here, because the Nazi theme song is Uber Alles.  Over all, totalitarian white supremacy, the whiter, the better.  They have the right to free speech, but what aren't Americans pointing out that the speech isn't just Hate, it's Anti-American.  They march hand in hand, their flag with the Rebel Flag, the other greatest enemies of America.

That's why we don't tolerate intolerance, because intolerance is Zero Tolerance, and goes against the ideals we consider the core beliefs of America.  Their goal their radical, outspoken goal, that they are working toward is to systematically destroy America.  Sedition isn't illegal, but that's why I pointed out the distance to the capital building.

Because when they brought down the Reichtag in Berlin, it was too late.  They have to be stopped now, before it's America Uber Alles, because we're already far too Over All (Of the rest of the world) for our own good.

It's not about ideology, when the ideology is ruling the world.  Starting with US.  Nobody, not even you can afford to wait until they come for you

Comparing the U.S. in 2017 with Nazi Germany in 1933 is aggressively, wildly inaccurate, and in practically every respect. Godwinning is one of the lowest -- and laziest -- forms of political discourse.

Again, you're making false historical comparisons and ignoring plain facts to engage in fear-mongering. I find it impossible not to point out that this exact type of fear-mongering based on scanty evidence is the exact same practice that these marchers, and our president, prefer to employ.

Similarly, you twice refer to a nebulous "they -- "they must be stopped..." and "not even you can afford to wait until they come for you." Who is this "they" you are speaking about?

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and only the dead have seen an end to war.

Rolling out that tired and commonly misunderstood Santyana quote is a cliche. And citing that line out of historical context and in a non-comparable situation is both lazy and irrelevant.

Your insistence -- and the insistence of the many others who share your views -- will only succeed in reversing history and stifling progress and social advancement. I prefer to focus on positive and demonstrable signs of hope and progress, and use that to build toward the future.

But that's just me.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #546 on: May 17, 2018, 07:36:47 PM
I'm not sure whether you did it on purpose or not, but your response precisely proves my point. So, thank you!

I am neither agreeing, nor disagreeing your point, which is an Opinion.  Can't be proven, one way or another.  The truth is, we had closet Nazis that were emboldened, and also racists that were recruited over.  (In political backlash for having an Nword in power.)

It's not an either-or.  Every one of those 250 men were individuals, united under an anti-American cause.  How they got there is less important than how we got to the point that this is Tolerated, and protesting it (Unarmed, I might add) is less Tolerated.

"Nazis marching the streets 117 miles from the Capital Building" seems indicative of only one thing...  this is indicative of the fact that racism, at least organized public racism, is dying, and that these marchers were outliers.

No.  They are actively rallying, tolerated, and their opposition (Antifa) are being invalidated as Terrorists.  These are the conditions where Intolerance Grows.  America is Encouraging it.

You used the word "tolerated" in a different sense than I did.

I didn't chose the word.  I'm protesting the "Tolerate Intolerance" narrative.  If you have a better one, let me know.

What the president says or believes couldn't be more irrelevant.

If you could turn on the news, and go 5 minutes without him being there.  Donald Trump, in particular, is the most relevant president in history.  He tweets constantly, he is the news.  Even the comedy parodies of recaps of the news of the news is is DOMINATED by his image.  This is the central focal point of an inescapable propaganda campaign.  A charasmatic leader, with a growing fanatical following, which includes Nazis.  This isn't just tolerating White Supremacy, it's dominating all media with it.  Sound familiar?

Godwinning is one of the lowest -- and laziest -- forms of political discourse.

Not when we're talking about literal Nazis.  I'm not comparing someone (Inevitably) to Nazis, I'm pointing out the Shwasticas.  "See this, it means Not Invited" Nazis.  I pointed that out, when I pointed that out.  These are literal Nazis, comparing themselves to WWII Germany.  Not me, I'm just pointing out the Shwasticas.  Overrulled.  Uber Alles/unterselte.  NAZIs.

Rolling out that tired and commonly misunderstood Santyana quote is a cliche.

Which one?  That was 2 Santayana quotes.  To put each other in historical context (The rise of Fascism in the Spanish Civil War.)  So, the spirit of the original quotes, in context, the opposite of Cliche.  He was talking about Faschist, the original Fascists.  In historical context.

I prefer to focus on positive and demonstrable signs of hope and progress, and use that to build toward the future.

Look, you're an optimist, and I appreciate that.  You're onot listening to me, you're comparing me to Them.  The liberal agenda I'm not speaking for (I'm an Anarchist.)  What I'm trying to point out is the Risk here.

The risk is being taken over by Nazis, in the country with the best economic, popular, geographic, and  technological position to unite the world.  Under the Schwastica.

What's the risk of believing it's true?  Someone might think you're a liberal?  That you're an intolerant liberal? 

The world can't risk your optimism.  Not in this case.  That's what Uber Alles means.  I didn't chose Zero Tolerance.  That's their policy.

You missed a historical quote there, too.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #547 on: May 17, 2018, 09:58:56 PM

What the president says or believes couldn't be more irrelevant. The plain fact is that American society is moving forward, despite what the president says or believes. And yammering on social media is indicative of absolutely nothing.  

This is not true.

White House: Trump's tweets are 'official statements'

DOJ says Trump's tweets are official presidential statements

His tweets are representative of the United States and the White House, according to their own statements.


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Reply #548 on: May 17, 2018, 10:06:34 PM
You see the disparity there?  Why does Ireland, an island off the coast of England, get as much representation as African?

Mainly because of the Irish diaspora that hit its peak in 1847.  You want to know why the Irish get so many references in America as opposed to anywhere else?  It's because the only wave of immigration to the United States larger than the Irish immigration is the current immigration wave from Latin America.

When MILLIONS of people come over in an immigration wave they have even more millions of children and become a huge part of said country's history and heritage.

There isn't a disparity, or at least not the type you are implying, you can literally find the answer to your weighted and trolling statement in an elementary school book.

But I'll counter that with "why imply racism when someone mentions Irish-American to express how dangerous the duality of identity is in America?"

Please, Psi, be kind enough to NOT twist the shit our of people's statements to imply they mean something far removed from what they said in the future.  That game gets old fast.

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Reply #549 on: May 17, 2018, 10:57:29 PM
It's because the only wave of immigration to the United States larger than the Irish immigration is the current immigration wave from Latin America.

Not counting the Spanish conquest, (Which caused the Latin population of the current emigration) English colonisation, German/Dutch colonisation, and Africa/Carribian/Southern triangular slave trade of the early (Pre-civil war) period.

You've heard this explanation from me before.  This, counting Irish before Black is literally the basis, a core belief of White Supremacy. (Just add hierarchy.) Just like listing Irish, Italian, German, and other eastern European countries, in the same sentence as African American is a false equivalency.  

By immigration waves, or current populations, African American> Irish, Italian, and German combined.  There's a difference between preserving your cultural identity, and holding it over those who's identity has been stripped of them, for centuries.

Unfortunately we also have a unique dualism.  African-American, Irish-American, Italian-American, Swedish-American, German-American.

Not twisting words here.  This is the duality, not plurality, the 2 sides, in your words.  African American=/=Irish, Italian, Swedish, and German American, COMBINED.  It's not black and white, that's a false dichotomy, or equivalency, any way you slice it.

Pluratiy, if you mean plurality, then say that.  What other duality did you mean, because you have 2 choices:  Equality, or Disparity.  Those are the only 2 kinds of Dualities.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 11:08:47 PM by psiberzerker »

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Reply #550 on: May 17, 2018, 11:07:22 PM
It's because the only wave of immigration to the United States larger than the Irish immigration is the current immigration wave from Latin America.

Not counting the Spanish conquest, (Which caused the Latin population of the current emigration) English colonisation, German/Dutch colonisation, and Africa/Carribian/Southern triangular slave trade of the early (Pre-civil war) period.

You've heard this explanation from me before.  This, counting Irish before Black is literally White Supremacy.  Just like listing Irish, Italian, German, and other eastern European countries, in the same sentence as African American is a false equivalency.  

By immigration waves, or current populations, African American> Irish, Italian, and German combined.  There's a difference between preserving your cultural identity, and holding it over those who's identity has been stripped of them, for centuries.


!.  No, mentioning Irish-American is NOT at all racist.
2. Mentioning African-American is NOT a "false equivalency" if the point is that ending the duality of identity and replacing it with just "American" is the point of the post.
3. The "Spanish Conquest" you are on about was in's 2018...learn to count, it literally happened BEFORE there was even a United States proper.
4.  German, Dutch, African...what are you on about?  We are talking numbers, and the numbers say that the largest immigration waves to the United States are 1. Latinos and 2. Irish...

And, most importantly, "Fuck off you prick."  I have taken a LOT of shit from you...but I not about to sit here and politely let you equate "Irish" to "racist."  
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 11:13:21 PM by IrishGirl »

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Reply #551 on: May 17, 2018, 11:16:32 PM

1.  No, mentioning Irish-American is NOT at all racist.

I didn't say it was.

2. Mentioning African-American is NOT a "false equivalency" is the point is that ending the duality of identity and replacing it with just "American" is the point of the post.

That's not duality of identity, that's Identity Politics, one of the core concepts of White Supremacy.
3. The "Spanish Conquest" you are on about was in's 2018...learn to count, it literally happened BEFORE there was even a United States proper.

Yes, now learn to say United States when you mean United Tates, and America when you say America.

4.  German, Dutch, African...what are you on about?  We are talking numbers, and the numbers say that the largest immigration waves to the United States are 1. Latinos and 2. Irish...

A: Citation needed, and B: Heirarchy.

I not about to sit here and politely let you equate "Irish" to "racist."  

Once again twisting my words.  I never said "Racist."  You did.  I said White Supremacy.  As in the one we have here.  The thread says Racist in the title, but I didn't write the title either.

When I want to call you a racist, I will call you a racist.  I'm not going to give a special exception to Ireland when I'm talking about White Supremacy.  Which is why I didn't single out Irish.  You did.

Now, we've been discussing this, just fine before you Joined this forum.  The only thing that's changed here is you.  Not my words, not my point, not my belief.  You're going to have to find someone else to call your Racist.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 11:19:22 PM by psiberzerker »

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Reply #552 on: May 17, 2018, 11:22:58 PM

1.  No, mentioning Irish-American is NOT at all racist.

I didn't say it was.

2. Mentioning African-American is NOT a "false equivalency" is the point is that ending the duality of identity and replacing it with just "American" is the point of the post.

That's not duality of identity, that's Identity Politics, one of the core concepts of White Supremacy.
3. The "Spanish Conquest" you are on about was in's 2018...learn to count, it literally happened BEFORE there was even a United States proper.

Yes, now learn to say United States when you mean United Tates, and America when you say America.

4.  German, Dutch, African...what are you on about?  We are talking numbers, and the numbers say that the largest immigration waves to the United States are 1. Latinos and 2. Irish...

A: Citation needed, and B: Heirarchy.

I not about to sit here and politely let you equate "Irish" to "racist."  

Once again twisting my words.  I never said "Racist."  You did.  I said White Supremacy.  As in the one we have here.  The thread says Racist in the title, but I didn't write the title either.

When I want to call you a racist, I will call you a racist.  I'm not going to give a special exception to Ireland when I'm talking about White Supremacy.  Which is why I didn't single out Irish.  You did.

Now, we've been discussing this, just fine before you Joined this forum.  The only thing that's changed here is you.  Not my words, not my point, not my belief.  You're going to have to find someone else to call your Racist.

No, I am not.  You doubled down on that shit.

And I am NOT calling you a racist.  I'm calling you a prick for implying that mentioning Irish-American is the same as being a racist.

I am literally not calling you a racist.  I'm taking grievance to your implication that Irish-American=Racist.

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Reply #553 on: May 17, 2018, 11:26:59 PM

1.  No, mentioning Irish-American is NOT at all racist.

I didn't say it was.

2. Mentioning African-American is NOT a "false equivalency" is the point is that ending the duality of identity and replacing it with just "American" is the point of the post.

That's not duality of identity, that's Identity Politics, one of the core concepts of White Supremacy.
3. The "Spanish Conquest" you are on about was in's 2018...learn to count, it literally happened BEFORE there was even a United States proper.

Yes, now learn to say United States when you mean United Tates, and America when you say America.

4.  German, Dutch, African...what are you on about?  We are talking numbers, and the numbers say that the largest immigration waves to the United States are 1. Latinos and 2. Irish...

A: Citation needed, and B: Heirarchy.

I not about to sit here and politely let you equate "Irish" to "racist."  

Once again twisting my words.  I never said "Racist."  You did.  I said White Supremacy.  As in the one we have here.  The thread says Racist in the title, but I didn't write the title either.

When I want to call you a racist, I will call you a racist.  I'm not going to give a special exception to Ireland when I'm talking about White Supremacy.  Which is why I didn't single out Irish.  You did.

Now, we've been discussing this, just fine before you Joined this forum.  The only thing that's changed here is you.  Not my words, not my point, not my belief.  You're going to have to find someone else to call your Racist.

In one thread you say that "having a job is racist"

In this thread you say that being Irish-American is racist.

I don't think you really know what that word means.

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Reply #554 on: May 17, 2018, 11:30:02 PM
I don't think you really know what that word means.
Which is why I'm not using the word Racist.  You are.

Offline Athos_131

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Reply #555 on: May 18, 2018, 02:40:40 AM

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Reply #556 on: May 23, 2018, 12:46:16 AM

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Reply #557 on: May 28, 2018, 03:39:42 AM

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Reply #558 on: May 29, 2018, 08:01:23 PM

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Reply #559 on: May 29, 2018, 08:31:01 PM
Not a fan.  I’ve met her.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2018, 08:36:15 PM by Mervinh2o »