There is no need to impound a car for expired tags. Wherever I've lived I've just gotten a fix-it-ticket. This must be white privilege.
I once got a threat to tow and impound, most likely due to the 50+ Grateful Dead stickers on my Toyota pickup (those stickers might be similar to being black when you’re pulled over?). Once the officer checked my clean record, he got more reasonable and listened when I explained I had recently moved and must not have received a forward of my renewal despite filing all paperwork with the US Postal Service. Turns out, and that cop should have been able to check, I did renew and was legal, but the registration was sent to my old address.
His first reaction was to tow and impound, and I’m sure that reaction was based on his perception of me based on my Deadmobile. It sounds like this young black woman experienced a similar kneejerk reaction.
But again, I’m white.