I don't think there's any question at this point, except for racists who want to make excuses, so it's "Not racist." More specifically, he's a White Nationalist, which is a particularly dangerous form of Racism.
Lindsey Graham sumed it up, ‘He wants people to like him.’ I’ll take it one step further, he wants people to idolize and adore him in every way possible. To get that adoration, he’s willing to cater to them regardless of how reprehensible the base instincts of his, well base, are.
The racists idolize and adore him with their rabid frothing at the mouth cheering of him at rallies, and that’s what he wants. So he’ll cater to their desires to continue to get his fix. He doesn’t bother to parse if it’s wrong or right, such matters are in his mind not worthy of consideration or thought. Only feeding his narcissism matters.