Oh nothing could go wrong at all, except maybe random shooting of brown people that look like my girlfriend regardless of legal or citizenship status.
Did I not clearly mark that as sarcasm? Sorry, Poe's Law. I'll make sure to put a smiley in next time.
Thought maybe comparing to Altamont would give that away, but MM.
I know, send the military they're already assembling to protect the refugees from the Militia. Let's see just how "Patriotic" they are. If they open fire, that's a few less gun nuts to worry about. I think there's a 2-fer-1 special on Darwin Awards if you've got a #ColdDeadHands bumper sticker on your Technical.
One more time for the mouth breathers in the back: We have well regulated militias. They're called the National Guard, and the various states' Army Reserves. You want to help? Sign up for one of them, and pass the psych eval. (I can testify to the fact that it's not hard to pass when you're absotuvely bonkers.) They don't need any more help, and if there's as much a 6 pack, anywhere in your vehicles, meetings, or arsenals, you're NOT A WELL REGULATED MILITIA!