Fuck Nazis: On The Events in Charlottesville and the Alt-Right in General
by Ikonoclast
Let me be unambiguous: If the events in Charlottesville inspire in you anything but revulsion, horror, and rage at the resurgence of open white supremacy and at the vicious behavior and ideology of those marching; if your initial - or worse, your considered - response is ANYTHING resembling "Well the violence exists on all sides," you need to take a hard look inside and start unfucking yourself right now.
If you SUPPORT the resurgent American Nazi movement that tries to rebrand itself as the "Alt-Right," if you are the sort of human scum that thinks white supremacy and "ethnic purity" are noble, just, or really anything but hideous, vile garbage; if you fantasize about the day when your "Revolution" will restore America to an imaginary, gloriously white past, know this:
We are not friends.
We are not family.
We are not on the same side of this war.
I will stand between you and the people you seek to harm; I will fight and, if necessary, I will die in their defense. I will not stand idly by while you dismantle my country. I will not be silent, or sedentary, while you rob them of theirs.
Fuck fascism.
Fuck racism.
Fuck bigotry.
Fuck hate.
Fuck the alt-right.
Fuck white supremacy.
Fuck Nazis.
And if you think there is room for nuance here, if you find fight talk and a few dirty words more offensive than the fact that a bunch of honest-to-Christ Nazis just marched in Charlottesville, and a counter-protester died in an attack by one of their supporters?
Fuck you too.
I am out of patience for milquetoast responses to evil. This is not the time to sip tea, lift our pinkies, and invite these VERMIN for a fireside chat; it is time to stand up, get in their faces, and make clear that they do not represent us, that they do not speak for us, that their ideas are abhorrent and wrong, and that we - yeah, WE, fellow white people - will not let them harm people of color or those whose religious beliefs, ethnic background, sexual orientation or gender identity make them a minority.
Stand up, or get the fuck out. If you can't summon the courage to denounce NAZIS, you're not worth my goddamn time. You're not worth my acknowledgment or respect.