Well, Jed_, if you are sincere about wanting to win the hearts and minds of voters, this November and beyond, Trump supporters and not, start by being civil with all voters, and others, AND lay out the Democrat plans about what the Party is FOR, and how the Party plans to achieve their short term, and long term goals. Details will help, and if your plan and goals are what people desire, you can plan on a better share of the votes of the American people.
Democrats/Leftist Activists, have the support of the Mainstream Media, and the far left citizens and media, which pretty much covers the meaningful media in the United States, and you tend to utilize the media very productively to date. Of course, the Mainstream Media generally is detested by a majority of Americans, and for good reason, as their bias is obvious, worn on their sleeve for any interested party to see. Still, when you wrap up the daily discourse with your Media cohorts constantly attacking any Administration activity, or policy, or action, or inaction, lol... it does make a difference... if the voter either, "feels" if we are going for "feelings", or "believes", if we go for "beliefs", that the politician they cast a vote FOR actually will work in favor of what the politician says during the campaign.
Some hardcore Democrats, and some hardcore Republicans, may well vote the ticket, pull the D or R handle as they used to say. More thinking people who follow and care about policies may look at the history of each politician, and the history of each Party, and decide who they believe, and cast a vote in that direction.
We shall see the results in November 2018, and again in November 2020. If Democrats continue to obstruct, without any stated plan to address issues as they arise, the mystery created can only be filled with the imagination of any voter, and voting history will likely bite them at the polls.
Lesser of two evils, and what's in it for me, what I care about... the Economy and "is the country headed in the correct direction" become decision makers.