begin taking ESL languages at night school where you current reside.
I am raising my daughter to speak three languages. A stranger demanded I 'speak English' to her
Nice article, and a woo for posting it.
My stepdaughter raised in Poland speaks better English than I do. When seeking an advanced degree (her second advanced degree but her first in the U.S.), she was required to take the TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language). They informed her she scored the highest of anyone admitted to the university. She also apparently speaks passible German, so did my wife.
She hasn’t been in touch much since her mom passed away a year ago, and seemed a bit annoyed when I told her I started dating. I always heard from her on Father’s Day in the past, but we’ll see if I do today. She only lives 45 minutes away too.
On another note, no one ever gave her and my wife grief when they spoke Polish in public. But then two very white and very pretty blond women can do that, while if they were brown or black and dark haired, not speaking English might have been seen as a problem.