More to the point, the incidents in Charlottesville, VA, last summer were, and continue to be, perceived as indicative of the phenomenon under discussion:
First of all, thank you for that entire argument. I'm not arguing with any of it, just let me clarify this point:
Nazis marching the streets 117 miles from the Capital Building seems indicative of the the problem, but let me reword the problem.
That was Tolerated. "Tolerate intolerance" is the counter argument. No, that's not how it works. They weren't peacably assembled, they were Armed. So, it was less the pictures of the protest/counter protest here than the reaction to it. Specifically on the part of our Talking Head in Chief.
He spoke of "Both Sides" when 1 side is Nazis marching armed down the streets. We can argue whether they're already there, or this was a backlash against the 2 terms of a black president, but they are Here, Now, and the president elected to "Make America Great Again" is telling us to be more tolerant of Nazis.
We have a Nazi Sympathiser in the white house. We made history by electing something other than a White Man to that office, then turned around, and elected the first open Nazi Sympathiser to the same position.
We do not tolerate intolerance here, because the Nazi theme song is Uber Alles. Over all, totalitarian white supremacy, the whiter, the better. They have the right to free speech, but what aren't Americans pointing out that the speech isn't just Hate, it's Anti-American. They march hand in hand, their flag with the Rebel Flag, the other greatest enemies of America.
That's why we don't tolerate intolerance, because intolerance is Zero Tolerance, and goes against the ideals we consider the core beliefs of America. Their goal their radical, outspoken goal, that they are working toward is to systematically destroy America. Sedition isn't illegal, but that's why I pointed out the distance to the capital building.
Because when they brought down the Reichtag in Berlin, it was too late. They have to be stopped now, before it's America Uber Alles, because we're already far too Over All (Of the rest of the world) for our own good.
It's not about ideology, when the ideology is ruling the world. Starting with US. Nobody, not even you can afford to wait until they come for you.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and only the dead have seen an end to war.