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Racism is alive and well, Thanks Trump and his supporters!

Athos_131 · 75701

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Reply #520 on: April 05, 2018, 03:29:15 AM

Arrest The Cops Who Killed Breonna Taylor


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Reply #521 on: April 13, 2018, 01:15:06 AM

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Reply #522 on: April 15, 2018, 02:01:18 AM

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Reply #523 on: April 15, 2018, 03:52:11 AM
Starbucks Apologizes Following Outrage Over Controversial Arrest Inside Store


When I think of all the times I’ve taken a piss in Starbucks, without buying anything... #whiteprivilege


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Reply #524 on: April 16, 2018, 04:57:49 AM
Man pictured with Michael Cohen group last week was accused of racist threat in 1998

Black parking attendant alleged that Jerry Rotonda repeatedly used racial slurs and threatened to hit her for giving him a $20 ticket.

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Reply #525 on: April 21, 2018, 06:28:26 PM

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Reply #526 on: May 09, 2018, 11:10:21 PM


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Reply #527 on: May 09, 2018, 11:11:19 PM

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Reply #528 on: May 10, 2018, 12:09:08 AM

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Reply #529 on: May 11, 2018, 01:16:32 AM

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Reply #530 on: May 11, 2018, 12:46:37 PM

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Reply #531 on: May 11, 2018, 04:58:44 PM
It always has been alive, and.  Well, wrong.  It's just come out of the closet, along with sexual harassment, because the Twit in Chief brags about lusting after his own daughter, and grabbing women by the pussy.

It's America that's on it's deathbed.  Any survivalists on the forums?  If you have any preps to wrap up before the cascade failure of this clusterfuck, now's the time.

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Reply #532 on: May 17, 2018, 04:02:48 AM
Well, uniquely we have EVERY race in America and EVERY religion...that is going to create issues no matter what.

Unfortunately we also have a unique dualism.  African-American, Irish-American, Italian-American, Swedish-American, German-American.

It is that dualism that is causing some of the problems...humans are social creatures and that means we are tribal creatures.  That dualism helps create some of the problems by exasperating us into tribes.

In fact, the more we focus on identity as a separate issue, the greater the race problem...and others...are going to collectively grow.

Focusing on identity also focuses on the separation of the people within the nation, which reinforces racism, especially when the identity becomes antagonistic in their views and demands.

Now, it won't solve the problem, but eliminating the duality in America SHOULD significantly reduce the divide.  All one needs to do is teach things as a singularity.

You are NOT Mexican-American, you ARE JUST American.  You are NOT Irish-American, you ARE JUST American.

Teaching people to think like that makes everyone equal.

The issue is, that kills politics based on identity, it kills demanding to be treated different based on their differences...and I don't think we are willing to trade identity for equality at the moment.

Just another surplus living the American dream

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Reply #533 on: May 17, 2018, 04:13:23 AM

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Reply #534 on: May 17, 2018, 04:14:21 AM

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Reply #535 on: May 17, 2018, 04:15:07 AM

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Reply #536 on: May 17, 2018, 02:22:58 PM
Customer at a store is offended that two employees are speaking Spanish to each other, and threatens to call ICE on them.   What a jerk.   (facebook video)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 02:30:05 PM by MintJulie »

          You might not know this, but I have a thing for Tom Brady (and Bill Clinton)
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Reply #537 on: May 17, 2018, 02:52:24 PM
Unfortunately we also have a unique dualism.  African-American, Irish-American, Italian-American, Swedish-American, German-American.

Indian Americans, Asian American, Latin American, Native American.

You see the disparity there?  Why does Ireland, an island off the coast of England, get as much representation as African?

Why does Italian, a peninsula in the middle of 3 of the 7 seas, get as much representation as India?

Why does Germany, a mostly landlocked country that tried to take over the world, Twice, get as much cultural representation as the rest of the continent of Asia?

Why don't we have Armenian Americans, Ajerbaijani Americans, Anatolian Ameircans, Georgian Americans...

That's just the general area between the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea.  Why is Eastern Europe divided into Country-American, when the rest of the world is rounded down to the closest Continent?

In fact, Armenians are Asians.

[ ] Middle Eastern.

That's what Race means, in America.  Africa is a race.  Egyptian is the same race as Moroccan, and Khalahari Coisan.

Asian is a race, unless your from this 1 corner, then you're Terrorist American, unless you're a Kardashian (Armenian American) in which case you're as White as Trump.  (We'll say Golden American.)  

Race is a myth, created in Europe, to rule over everyone else.  If you support the myth of race, you're supporting white supremacy.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 11:51:36 PM by psiberzerker »

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Reply #538 on: May 17, 2018, 03:58:41 PM

It always has been alive, and.  Well, wrong.  It's just come out of the closet, along with sexual harassment, because the Twit in Chief brags about lusting after his own daughter, and grabbing women by the pussy.

It's America that's on it's deathbed.  Any survivalists on the forums?  If you have any preps to wrap up before the cascade failure of this clusterfuck, now's the time.

I believe the precise opposite is true.

In fact, I'd argue that the U.S. today is less racist today than it has ever been in its history.

Yes, racism has always been present here, and it likely always will be present here, chiefly due to the fact, as IrishGirl points out, that we are a wildly pluralistic country, featuring people of the widest possible varieties of race, national origin, skin color, religion (or non-religion), sexual orientation, etc., etc. That will, by definition, always produce conflict in some circles.

However, the impression of an increasingly racist society -- of racists, due to Trump's explicit or implicit influence, "coming out of the closet" -- is just that: an impression. And that impression, which is belied by reality, is fueled by a combination of a mainstream media that has abandoned all pretense of objectivity and journalistic standards, and the explosion of social media outlets where ill-informed, fact-less, and, often, downright stupid observations are taken at face value, and deemed indicative of a growing trend that actually does not exist.

Consider two things:

1. We had a Black president for two terms, and, were the 25th Amendment not in place, we very likely still have a Black president today. If racism were as ingrained and pernicious as many commentators believe it to be, Obama would have never won the White House, by a comfortable margin, nor would he have been re-elected, by an equally comfortable margin. And these facts are even more germane when you consider one, simple (and obvious) fact: voting in the U.S. is done in secret. What one says, in public, online, or among friends and family members, is not necessary reflected by the actual choices one makes in the voting booth. The tenor of Obama opposition that was asserted, reported, or believed to be was contradicted by the election results.

2. More to the point, the incidents in Charlottesville, VA, last summer were, and continue to be, perceived as indicative of the phenomenon under discussion: "Racism is alive and well in Trump's America," and "racists have come streaming out of the closet and have put America on its deathbed." If you read past the headlines, and consider what actually occurred with a level head, a sense of perspective, and only a cursory understanding of U.S. history, you will reach the exact opposite conclusion. I read extensively about the incidents at the time, and have read further about them in the interim. And consider one plain fact: though estimates very depending on the source, it seems like the total number of White Supremacists, neo-Nazis, and other hate-filled reactionaries who came to the protest that day was around 250. That's right, a grand total of 250 protestors, in a country of over 325 million people (for those keeping score at home, that's 0.00007%). On top of that, the protest was planned and organized well in advance, with reactionaries traveling hundreds of miles from several states to join in. And all they could come up with was 250 people. Meanwhile, the counter-protest, which was completely unplanned and unorganized, and which arose almost spontaneously, gathered an estimated 2,500-3,000 people. All of these facts, taken together and understood objectively, say two things: Racism, at least organized racism, is slowly dying in America, and racists, at least overt racists, have been pushed deeper and deeper into the closest, and racism itself is on its deathbed.

Again, racism still exists, and it always will exist. That's a fact. But overt and organized racism has become more and more socially in-tolerated to the point that racists have completely marginalized themselves to the point of being extremist outliers.

"Sometimes the best things in life are a hot girl and a cold beer."


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Reply #539 on: May 17, 2018, 04:37:30 PM
More to the point, the incidents in Charlottesville, VA, last summer were, and continue to be, perceived as indicative of the phenomenon under discussion:

First of all, thank you for that entire argument.  I'm not arguing with any of it, just let me clarify this point:

Nazis marching the streets 117 miles from the Capital Building seems indicative of the the problem, but let me reword the problem.

That was Tolerated.  "Tolerate intolerance" is the counter argument.  No, that's not how it works.  They weren't peacably assembled, they were Armed.  So, it was less the pictures of the protest/counter protest here than the reaction to it.  Specifically on the part of our Talking Head in Chief.

He spoke of "Both Sides" when 1 side is Nazis marching armed down the streets.  We can argue whether they're already there, or this was a backlash against the 2 terms of a black president, but they are Here, Now, and the president elected to "Make America Great Again" is telling us to be more tolerant of Nazis.

We have a Nazi Sympathiser in the white house.  We made history by electing something other than a White Man to that office, then turned around, and elected the first open Nazi Sympathiser to the same position.  

We do not tolerate intolerance here, because the Nazi theme song is Uber Alles.  Over all, totalitarian white supremacy, the whiter, the better.  They have the right to free speech, but what aren't Americans pointing out that the speech isn't just Hate, it's Anti-American.  They march hand in hand, their flag with the Rebel Flag, the other greatest enemies of America.

That's why we don't tolerate intolerance, because intolerance is Zero Tolerance, and goes against the ideals we consider the core beliefs of America.  Their goal their radical, outspoken goal, that they are working toward is to systematically destroy America.  Sedition isn't illegal, but that's why I pointed out the distance to the capital building.

Because when they brought down the Reichtag in Berlin, it was too late.  They have to be stopped now, before it's America Uber Alles, because we're already far too Over All (Of the rest of the world) for our own good.

It's not about ideology, when the ideology is ruling the world.  Starting with US.  Nobody, not even you can afford to wait until they come for you.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and only the dead have seen an end to war.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 04:47:41 PM by psiberzerker »