Little to do with any action toward 'trashing' the First Amendment. Opinions and comments, all valid in whatever direction, do not harm the First Amendment, but help it grow and remain strong.
The President DOES have First Amendment rights, as do we all. Without any input by Democrats, by their own design of obstructionism, ideas of politicians and policy agreements between parties is not facilitated, and I can understand some frustration on the part of people who do not feel their own Congress Reps have their best interests in mind, or are ineffective at getting their ideas employed and discussed meaningfully.
With no 'yes votes' offered to trade, negotiations are negligible, by self choice of Democrat leaders, and all Democrat Reps and Senators appear to agree to the lockstep following of Chuck and Nancy's policies, unless it no longer matters. Life is difficult, and differences between us all are exploited too often.
Actions taken by Executive Order are vulnerable to change by Executive Order, it is the nature of the beast. With the failure of Congress to affect the desired changes, the President is using his authority to affect such changes.
This is all a process, toward bringing the lawful conclusion to issues bullied into use in prior years and lacking legislation to fix issues, a temporary change is better than no change.
While not ideal, the result represents progress, and may help force some to find ways to agree to legislate. We shall see.