If you are really concerned about the twin topics of voter fraud (which is in fact statistically non-existent) and increasing the percentage of people who vote, then you should look at VOTE BY MAIL.
I have lived in two Vote By Mail states, and I have not been to a polling place in twenty five years. I also vote in all elections. Both states (Washington and Oregon) have very high turnout (linked to the extraordinary convenience of by mail voting). Fraud is virtually non-existent. Businesses like it because they don't have to give people time off to vote. We never face long lines, or difficulty finding the polling station.
It turns out that the Post Office actually DOES know where pretty much everybody lives. It would be very difficult, if not impossible to defraud the system.
By default, there's a paper trail of all votes. Many, if not most, votes have already been counted by the time election day rolls around (voting is typically allowed over the two week period prior to election day), which means that results are available very quickly.
We should go to a national Vote By Mail system. We would see participation in elections shoot way up. Of course, it's harder to conduct voter caging if people can vote easily and with convenience, so I expect that Repulicans would oppose it vehemently.