And so it begins...
The Congressman Who Resurrected the Republican Health Care Bill Held a Townhall. It Was Brutal."Can I be disrespectful on behalf of all the people you're gonna kill?"The tone of Rep. Tom MacArthur's Wednesday town hall in South Jersey was established early on. The venue was packed, the crowd tense, and, after a series interruptions from the audience, the Republican congressman, whose amendment to the House health care bill is the cornerstone of the House Obamacare repeal bill, asked the room for respect. From somewhere in the crowd a man shouted, "Can I be disrespectful on behalf of all the people you're gonna kill?"
Things proceeded apace from there. When MacArthur began taking questions at 6:30 p.m., hundreds of constituents were still outside, unable to fit inside the crammed rec center. When the town hall wrapped up, it was 11:30. The outrage never seemed to let up; in a district that went for Donald Trump last November by 7 points, MacArthur faced a firehose of questions (and heckling) from residents who feared for their lives and those of their loved ones, and who held the New Jersey Republican and his colleagues responsible...