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Let's Get HEALTHY!

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Offline herschel

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Reply #40 on: April 19, 2017, 04:00:08 PM
I think luck of the genes has a lot to do with it. I still eat bacon and eggs nearly every day, coffee four to six mugs a day, red meat all the time, and my cholesterol numbers are tip-top good--without much in the way of exercise, although I was athletic in my younger days. For years I smoked three packs a day, until my son made me quit. I am on blood pressure meds, but under good control. Not bragging, just a data point from the field.


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Reply #41 on: April 19, 2017, 04:01:51 PM
Then you have those folks who smoked cigars and drank coffee everyday, had bacon and eggs for breakfast every morning and live to be 99 years old. What gives?

My concern is long term genetic damage that threatens the viability of the species.  Glysophate in the food supply, antibiotics and birth control pills in the water.  We are seriously fucking ourselves up.  If the first hundred days of Trump are any indication, it's only going to get worse.


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Reply #42 on: April 19, 2017, 04:39:18 PM
All we can do is just try to be as healthy as we can. Try to avoid things that are "bad" for you and get plenty of sleep and exercise.


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Reply #43 on: April 19, 2017, 05:02:25 PM
All we can do is just try to be as healthy as we can. Try to avoid things that are "bad" for you and get plenty of sleep and exercise.

Some people say that the rise of neurological spectrum disorders like autism, ADHD, Asperger's etc., merely reflect increased screening and diagnoses.  I'm not so sure.  We've been feeding ourselves a steadily increasing diet of chemicals since WWII, and I'm not so sure we aren't frying our reproductive viability.


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Reply #44 on: April 19, 2017, 06:02:33 PM
All we can do is just try to be as healthy as we can. Try to avoid things that are "bad" for you and get plenty of sleep and exercise.

Like anything that has aspartame in it because I read somewhere it turns into formaldehyde in your body.

Offline herschel

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Reply #45 on: April 19, 2017, 06:09:23 PM
Do they still call this 'better living through chemistry'?


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Can mobile phones give you a brain tumor? An Italian court just ruled yes.

There was a lot of talk about it, when Republican strategist Lee Atwater developed a brain tumor at age 40, and died in 1991, after years of hard core cell phone use.  Most folks agree it's better to use Bluetooth or ear buds, rather than hold a phone against your head.  And NEVER sleep with phone under pillow or near head.


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Come on really, the drink itself is telling you, "DIEt"

A controversial study ties diet sodas to a higher risk of stroke and dementia


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Come on really, the drink itself is telling you, "DIEt"

A controversial study ties diet sodas to a higher risk of stroke and dementia

It also tastes like shit.


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Reply #50 on: April 23, 2017, 06:21:34 PM


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Come on really, the drink itself is telling you, "DIEt"

A controversial study ties diet sodas to a higher risk of stroke and dementia

Aspartame?  Hell yes.  Have you ever cleaned off battery terminal with corrosion, or crusted tools with Coke?  Why the HELL would you pour that shit into your alimentary canal?  Smh.



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Come on really, the drink itself is telling you, "DIEt"

A controversial study ties diet sodas to a higher risk of stroke and dementia

Aspartame?  Hell yes.  Have you ever cleaned off battery terminal with corrosion, or crusted tools with Coke?  Why the HELL would you pour that shit into your alimentary canal?  Smh.


I hear it works great for cleaning toilets too.

Offline JulesVern

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Come on really, the drink itself is telling you, "DIEt"

A controversial study ties diet sodas to a higher risk of stroke and dementia

And this is my problem with most of these studies.

"The study sheds light only on an association, as the researchers were unable to determine an actual cause-and-effect relationship between sipping artificially sweetened drinks and an increased risk for stroke and dementia. Therefore, some experts caution that the findings should be interpreted carefully."

Too many stories are being published that show a correlation between two things but no causation. That correlation grabs headlines and scares a bunch of people but may have absolutely no validity.

Offline Sensualtravler

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Reply #54 on: April 24, 2017, 06:25:18 AM

Body sprays

High fructose corn syrup

Synthetic trans fats

Preservatives like butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA),butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT), and tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)

As long as the government receives your taxes before you croak, it's all good. Ever wonder if they plan it that way??

« Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 06:28:30 AM by Sensualtravler »

"To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth."

Offline Sensualtravler

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Reply #55 on: April 24, 2017, 06:34:49 AM
Come on really, the drink itself is telling you, "DIEt"

A controversial study ties diet sodas to a higher risk of stroke and dementia
Almost all studies have shown any artificial sweetener to be worse than sugar or honey. Be heavy, or die young.

Wait, that's what they claim excess weight does too! We're fucked!

What was the question again??

"To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth."


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Reply #56 on: April 29, 2017, 05:06:45 AM

Offline JulesVern

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Reply #57 on: April 29, 2017, 05:12:28 AM

I think that mosquito really could kill you! Yikes!!


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Reply #58 on: April 29, 2017, 05:13:22 AM
That's Texas size.  :emot_laughing:

Offline JulesVern

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Reply #59 on: April 29, 2017, 05:14:42 AM
That's Texas size.  :emot_laughing:

They can keep 'em there!! :-p