Allow me introduce a wildly prosaic response:
Most of the proscriptions found in the 10 Commandments that are not specifically religious-related are already proscribed under secular law, and they have been for centuries.
And while parts of the Torah are in the Old Testament, the 10 Commandments are Jewish, not Christian. Jesus said “I have come to abolish the [Mosaic] law and the Prophets.“ Elevating Mosaic law before any other teaching of Christ (the Beatitudes perhaps?) is actually “un-Christian.“
But the truth of the matter is, particularly among the evangelical nuts who promote this stuff is that they don’t read the Bible. To do that would blow their minds. It’s just a false religion designed to reinforce their conditional bias. Theatrical politics. Louisiana is 47th in the nation in education. But they will have the 10 Commandments on every wall.
I concede the point right up to the underlined bit.
Someone wise once said that the beginning of knowledge and learning is first learning right from wrong. I dont know where I heard that from, nor whom I can attribute it to.
But the underlined bit had me thinking.
As a developed nation, in my truest heart of hearts, I think we should be at a 50 way tie for first in education. Millions upon Billions have been spent to try and fix a broken system that shunts kids through whether they know enough to pass or get by in life. Most cant even read beyond the third grade level, and hell, even fuck the special needs kids, just getting them to pay attention is counted as a success. No, the underlined bit is the bitterest pill of truth one could ever say.
47th but hangs the ten commandments on the wall is like hanging a Picasso in a first grades art corner. The irony wasn't lost on me. It is an indictment of how we as a society have dropped the ball on the most precious and valuable resource we have: Future Generations. But instead of actually fixing the problem, we rabble and mob over the stupidest shit spouting hypocritical bullshit like "Think of the children." There isnt a line that I abhor more than that one. It even surpasses "The right side of History" and "For the Greater Good." If anyone in society actually gave a damned, then you would put your hands to the soil and help find better ways to educate our children, instead of crapping on alternative methods and private schools. In Pensacola there is a private school that is specially designed and equipped to provide an excellent education for those with special needs or on the Spectrum.
We don't listen to the children when shit is getting bad, then we go and sue the gun maker when that kid snaps. We whine about equity and equality, and yet 5 hours a day we play the bad father and toss our kids into the deep end, hoping they learn to swim, but realistically hope they can at least survive. But when votes come up, everyone who speaks emptily about the kids futures are amazingly silent. We get all mad about colleges and universities admittance protocols, and yet little Bobby cant even answer 1 fucking question on the SAT. But because everyone is so invested in making sure its all kosher and right say nothing when the kid drops out in his first semester because no one fucking prepared him for it. Colleges are now lowering their standards, which breeds a near infinite cycle of getting in and dropping out.
We traded Meritocracy for Everyone Gets an Award, even if little Julian is sitting in the corner eating paste. And then we get shocked that the next generation expects to slide by because why the fuck not, the schools just counted them as bodies to pad the state education funding. So yeah by this point, whatever reason they voted to hang the 10 commandments on walls, they completely missed the fucking train on the kids. Not just Louisiana, all of the 49 other states. But wait! there is a handy dandy, not worn out to death excuse that should magically shoulder all of the burdens of a failing system! Fucking covid! But then again,. you are home, kids are home remote learning, but instead of actually giving a flying shit about your child's education, you sit back, throw on the latest drivel on netflix while your kid fucks off on his virtual learning to play Minecraft. 2 years of a lock down should have made at least a majority of students rise up to their next grade level, but sadly, nope. Laziness is the enemy of advancement. But hey! At least the got their high school diploma that is about as worthless as ass wipes when a college or employer pokes around your educational history. I mean thats why they have that on job applications, to make it easier to look up if you are lying to them.
But we are going to rage about the commandments, and yet 3/4 of the students cant even read or comprehend them. Hey, three cheers for minor wins, while your little slugger cant even do long division or even tell you what the Magna Carte is or who the third president was. But yay for google, right?
(Not a rant, but my personal observations, this is not directed at anyone in particular, but at the systems that let this happen.)