The premise of the film found at the link is that big/more government = corrupt government. Further it claims that corruption from big governments is why people are fleeing Latin America. Then once Latin Americans arrive here,they are trying to import the same big government they had back home.
Of course the central premise of this argument is wrong. There is no correlation between big government and corruption. In the United States our police forces used to be extremely corrupt. This corruption was largely eliminated when professionalism and better pay was made the standard. When a person has a job that is sufficiently compensated, corruption becomes a liability, not an asset. Corruption can lead to job loss. Why accept a $500 bribe and risk losing a job that pays tens of thousands every year with benefits?
The same is true of our civil servants. Professionalism and sufficient pay make our government employees among the least corrupt in the world.
Further, I would assert that corruption in government has more to do with accountability to the public, than government size. As for government size, it is generally linked to GDP, meaning the richer a country is, the larger its government is. Large government is not an indicator of corruption. A review of the world's most corrupt governments shows that they are often small, barely functioning, and most certainly not accountable to the public.