Bloody Hell!
She's smokin' hot! And you just have to admire a woman who knows she's going to be photographed, and still wears a sheer dress and no underwear. Have yourself a woo Obi.
Note to self... download latest series of Dr. Who.
Why thank you Hades. Sadly she has left Dr Who, you need series 7-9. However she is currently starring in the series Victoria; but as it's about the UK queen don't expect any revealing costumes.
Also, I owe her an apology for mis-spelling her name, its JENNA Coleman. Hope to be able to apologise in person if i see her in that dress again
« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 05:54:38 PM by ObiDongKenobi »
Princess, would you like to see it light up and hum when I wave it about