She was really ditzy on Buffy, that was Anya.
Cordy was the stuckup rich brat whose father had to go broke for her to grow up.
That said, yes, Charisma Carpenter was and still is a hottie. You'd think i'd have learned after finding out most teen drama teen stars are really twenty- and thirty-somethings [Tom Welling was twenty-four playing a sixteen year old, something like that] but i was shocked when i found out Charisma wasn't as young as her character Cordelia Chase. Hell, Kristen Bell was thirty when she played teen Veronica Mars [whose movie will be out in March, March = Mars, get it?
I loved Charisma's Playboy layout, especially that hot butt shot. -drolls- Also loved her as the hot stepmom of Beaver on Veronica Mars. All hail Charisma Carpenter!