Donald Trump tweeted:
Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!
No it is not unfair, Mr. Trump. What is unfair is how you scared and offended many with your words. What is unfair is that you emboldened the bigots and racists. And what is unfair is that you now belittle those that are protesting as is their right under the First Amendment.
People are protesting because they are scared. This has not been an ordinary election. We have never seen such vileness in an election before. Never has a candidate threatened to jail their opponent before. Never has a candidate shown such disrespect for women before. Never has a candidate embarrassed America the way you have, Mr. Trump.
I am scared too, Mr. Trump. I fear that you will carry out your promise to errode the First Amendment and make it possible for you to sue journalists for reporting what you disagree with.
People are protesting because they are scared for America. And let us not forget, you lost the popular vote, Mr. Trump.