I was reading the Detroit Free Press tonight and discovered that Wendy's has had a credit card breach.
link You don't really need to read the article.
I thought I'd share a trick my sister told me about that will help you protect your credit. It's completely free. My sister learned the hard way about this about 10 years ago when her purse was stolen and her identity was stolen. The thief opened 10 credit cards in her name. Before she knew it $90,000 in charges were racked up on them. It was a complete mess. She did learn how to protect herself from it happening again. It's easy and a trick that LifeLock used to use before they were banned from doing it because it was jamming up the credit bureaus systems.
Requesting a 90 Day Fraud Alert is very easy to do and it takes 5 minutes by filling out a couple pages of info about yourself on one of the 3 credit bureaus websites. What this does is prevents credit cards, mortgages, etc from being opened in your name without your knowledge.
If you ever do want to open credit for yourself after this alert is placed, there will be a phone call to you that confirms you applied for it and also that you are who you say you are.
I do it through Equifax, and they in turn notify the other two credit bureaus (Experian and Transunion). You'll also get a free credit report (pdf link in final page) that shows all open and closed credit cards, car loans, mortgages and bank accounts in your name.
Here is the link
https://www.alerts.equifax.com/AutoFraud_Online/jsp/fraudAlert.jspYou can only place a 90 day fraud protection. I just set a reminder on my calendar and place another fraud alert on my file every 90 days.
Just thought I'd share.