I slagged my 20-to-30 year old blender making smoothies last night. It wasn't designed for such a dense load of raw veggies, and the
magic smoke came out of it. I'd *like* to have a
Vitamix 5200, but at $450 list price that isn't happening this year.
I'd read ALL sorts of bad reviews about the Ninja blenders falling over and dying, and pretty much no bad reviews about the NutriBullet Pro, so I looked it up and lo! Wally World had it for $73 ($130 list price). I toddled down to the local "wholly owned by the Chinese" store, and it was fuckin' $99.99 in the store.
What the hell?!? I double-checked the model against the online ad, and yep, same exact thing, but $27 higher in the store (a 37% mark-up).
I snagged one of the 'sales associates' that looked like she had a clue, and asked her if Wally World would price-match an online price
on their own ad. She said that was an online price, and I said "I have the ad up right now... I can order it within seconds for pickup at this store, and you'll have to run back to the pull one from stock... can we make this
easier on both of us? For $27, I'm willing to wait for 10 minutes." She said to tell the cashier to let me have it at the online price, even though they're not supposed to.