I really don't get it. No matter how attractive your mom is. If it's an older woman thing, look to a friends mom.
I'm not a mother, but I would be horrified to find out my son had those thoughts about me.
Turn it around.......... daughters crushing on their daddy's. Ewwww, no.
I don't have a sexual attraction to my Mom at all.
It's just that our ages are sorta close she is 50 and I'm 33.
We used to swap clothes when I was in college.
But if you want a college story:
Mom comes to visit me and my roommate at SUNY Cobleskill.
We have an extra bed (bunk bed and she can actually climb up into it).
we all decide to go downtown to "The Stoned Pony" for drinks and Pizza.
Well, Mom is wearing some of my clothes and(to be honest looking really good).
She (not me..!!!) get's hit on by a couple of male students, I almost died right there, But I was good, I didn't say anything, I let Mom handle it. So what does she do?? She invites the boys over to our table for beer and pizza, she is sitting between two college guys (who want nothing more than to screw her all night) but don't know who she is or her age (if you look at her now, you would swear she was "maybe" in her thirties). Anyway, it all worked out, the guys paid for everything and never got laid.
Mom had a great time (I never invited her back, wasn't taking any chances).