A friend Allan knew while in the Marines had committed suicide. Allan said he had been struggling for a long time, and ended his own life last month. This is why Allan's been gone for so long. The guy left behind a wife and two adult daughters that Allan went to be with. He stayed helping them get things in order through the VA and setting up the funeral.
He came back home for a bit, and that is when we had are little fight. I had no idea why he was being the way he was, or why he didn't just tell me right away. Thought he was just being an ass with his comments that my dads issue was no big deal, or it could have been worse. Me being me, went off on him, but I had no idea he was going through what he was. I feel so bad, but I also don't, because I didn't know.
We talked on friday, both got to decompress from our own situations. We spent much more time on him since my dad is doing great other than complaints about his new diet. It was a long couple weeks for him, and his friends family.
You guys keep so much in and so much bottled up because you feel you cant talk about it because so many people have told you not too. Well I just want to say, it's ok to talk, it is ok to open up, and it is ok to ask for help.