So I headed on over to Allan's house. Figured I'd bring him some food, we watch Thursday night football, and I'd ride his dick until he's spend. I used his door code and went inside. His sweet little baby girl came running up all happy and barking, and then his... ex girlfriend...??... started talking to me. She thought I was him, and when she came around the corner, she was just as surprised as I was.
After the awkward moment I introduced myself and apologized for barging in like I did. Said I didnt know anybody was here, she started explaining she was trying to surprise him with a dinner. I asked if they were getting back together, which seemed to irritate her that I knew about their relationship. She told me that they had been on and off for a while, and the last couple weeks were looking like they might be a couple again.
I turned around told her to let him know I stopped by, and left without another word.
What the hell Allan 😔
Not really looking to be a side chick😠